Packing Lists Workspace

Use this workspace to confirm packing lists that you print in the Sales Orders or Print Packing List workspaces.

The Packing Lists tab displays general and account information about the packing list. Maconomy retrieves some of the information from the sales order to which the packing list is assigned. In the Packing List Lines sub-tab, you can enter how many items were packed.

You print packing lists individually in the Sales Orders workspace or in batches in the Print Packing Lists workspace. You can only open the Packing Lists workspace if Maconomy has unconfirmed packing lists. A packing list is an internal message to the warehouse that a certain number of items are ready to be packed and delivered to a customer. Warehouse personnel use this workspace to confirm that the items have been packed.

The warehouse reports back how many of the items in the packing list have actually been packed. You can then print delivery documents such as a packing slip, an invoice, labels, and a bill of lading.

The item lines in the printed packing list are sorted by location, and the same applies here. This makes it easier for warehouse employees to compare the printed list to the information in this workspace.

When the packing list has been confirmed, it is automatically deleted. You can then print a new packing list for any undelivered items that remain from the sales order. You can only produce one packing list per order at any one time.

If you have Maconomy Bill of Materials, and the item in an order line is a BOM that does not have inventory control, Maconomy confirms the BOM parts that have inventory control individually. This happens in the Packing List Lines workspace. Maconomy shows any BOMs that do not have inventory control with zero items for packing. When you activate the line on which the BOM is specified in this workspace, its BOM parts that have inventory control appear in the Packing List Lines workspace.