Petty Cash Accounts Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Petty Cash Accounts tab.

Petty Cash Account Island

Field Description
Name In this field, you enter the name of the current petty cash account.
Company No. In this field, you enter the number of the company to which the current petty cash account is assigned.
Offset Company No. In this field, you enter the name of the central company which follows up on the current petty cash account.
Currency In this field, you can select the currency of the petty cash account.
Blocked If this box is checked, no follow-up can be performed on the current petty cash account.

Petty Cash Account Refill Island

Field Description
Min. Cash Funds In this field, you specify the minimum amount that should be available in the petty cash account at any given time.
Customer No. In this field, you specify the number of the customer that will refill the petty cash account. The offset company is a customer in the current company when the refill is performed.
Vendor No. In this field, you specify the number of the vendor to which the refill is transferred. The company to which the petty cash account is assigned is a vendor in the offset company when the refill is performed.
Payment Mode In this field, you can choose which payment mode to use when refilling the current petty cash account.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.

Cash Level Island

Field Description
Posted Balance This field displays the posted balance of the petty cash account. The balance is the sum of the posted balance for each of the reconciliation accounts assigned to the petty cash account
Approved Balance This field displays the approved balance of the petty cash account. The balance is the sum of the approved balances of each reconciliation account assigned to the petty cash account.
Ideal Cash Funds In this field, you enter the ideal cash funds for the current petty cash account. When the petty cash account has been followed up, the actual cash funds will equal the amount specified in this field.
Last Follow-Up This field displays the date upon which the last follow-up was made.
Being Followed Up This field displays whether a petty cash account is in the process of being followed up. If this box is checked, funds are currently being transferred to or from the petty cash account. The field cannot be changed here.

Transfer From Petty Cash Account Island

Field Description
Max. Stock In this field, you specify the maximum amount that should be available in the petty cash account at any given time.
Customer No. In this field, you specify the number of the customer from whose petty cash account the transfer should be made. The company to which the petty cash account is assigned is a customer belonging to the offset company when a transfer is made from a petty cash account.
Vendor No. In this field, you specify the number of the vendor to whom the transfer should be made. The offset company is a vendor belonging to the current company when a transfer is made.
Payment Mode In this field, you can choose which payment mode to use when making a transfer from the current petty cash account.