Print Check Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Print Check tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Check Book In this field, you select a check book. Once you have selected a check book, you can only print out checks belonging to that check book.
Payment Mode In this field, you select a payment mode. Maconomy will verify that the number of the checks being printed corresponds to the next number defined for the current check book. If you print out more than one check, the check numbers will therefore be consecutive.
Pay to Vendor No. Here you enter a range of vendor numbers. Maconomy will only print checks for vendors within this range.
Supplier No. In these fields, you can specify a range of supplier numbers. Maconomy will only print checks for suppliers within this range.
Company No. In these fields, you can enter a range of company numbers. Maconomy will only print checks for vendors assigned to companies within this range.
Company of Origin In this field, you can specify a range of company numbers. Maconomy will only print checks where the company of origin is within this range.
Control Account In this field, you can select an A/P control account. Maconomy will only print checks for this control account.
Vendor Group In this field, you can select a vendor group. Maconomy will only print checks from this vendor group.
Transaction Type Here you can enter a transaction type. Maconomy will only print check for this transaction type.
Card Type In this field, you can enter a range of card types. Maconomy will only print checks for entries with a card type within this range.
Payment Date Here you enter a range of dates. Maconomy will only print checks where the payment date is in this range.

Payment Control Island

Field Description
Check No. In this field, you enter the number of the next check to be printed from the current check book. Only checks to which the selected payment mode and vendor entries are assigned will be printed. It is only possible to enter one check book and payment mode at a time.

If the system parameter “Consecutive Check Numbers Required” has been marked in the “System Parameters” window, you can only enter a number corresponding to the next check number according to the check book setup in the Pop-up Fields window.

Preferred Payment Date This field allows you to enter the date on which the payment selection or payment report in question should be processed.
Place of Issue In this field, you enter the place of issue of the current check.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Test Print If you mark this field, one test check will be printed so you can test printer alignment and so on The amount on the printed test check will be zero, and the text on the check will indicate that this is a test print.
Layout In this field, you select the layout that you wish to use for the checks.

The written amounts on a check can be printed either with or without spaces, for example, “One thousand” or “Onethousand,” depending on whether the field “Spaces in Written Amounts” has been marked for the selected check book in the window Pop-up fields in the Set-Up module.

If further layouts have been added, the written amounts may also be available in other formats and languages.