
This section shows the Actions available in the Change Reminder Selection workspace.

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Field Description
Create Reminder Selection When you select this action, a reminder selection is created for the current company-specific customer. As implied, a reminder selection is only a selection. This means you can only change created selections in this window. When you select the action “Approve Reminders,” a reminder letter journal is created with entries for the customer and G/L ledger respectively. Once approved, the reminder selection cannot be changed.

Note that the remainder level is no increased when you create a selection., but only when the selection is approved.

Maconomy calculates reminders based on the interest charge/reminder principle of the current company-specific customer and creates reminder letters according to the following procedure.

All open payment and credit memo entries are summed up in a combined total and all invoices with overdue amounts are checked one by one is order of due date. All invoices that are reconciled with one or more payments and/or credit memos are reset to reminder level 0. The reminder level is automatically decreased by Maconomy, once the reconciling payments/credit memos have been received. The company-specific customer’s reminder level is determined by the entry with the highest reminder level. If the company-specific customer’s reminder level is greater than zero, the interest charge specified in the applied interest charge/reminder principle is charged to the customer.

When all invoices have been checked, Maconomy checks whether or not the reminder amount total exceeds the reminder limit. If this is not the case, the reminder level is reset to zero on the entries.

Approve Reminders When you select this action, the current reminder selection for the company-specific customer is approved. Once approved, the selection cannot be changed, but a new selection can be created. Upon approval, all reminder entries are added to a journal of the type “Reminder Letter” which is then ready for posting in the window Posting in the G/L module. Only reminder selections for company-specific customers with a debit balance greater that zero are approved. If a payment from the customer is received after the reminder selection has been created, but before the reminder selection has been approved, Maconomy does not approve the selection. The reminder level is raised by 1 on all invoices that are not reconciled with payments/credit memos, that is, the reminder level is controlled on each entry.

At the same time as the selection is approved, a reminder letter is printed.

Clear Reminder Calculation When you select this action, all reminder calculation is removed from the open entries for the current company-specific customer. The current reminder level is also reset to zero.
Get Reminder Texts If the reminder level of a reminder is changed, any reminder specific reminder text assigned to the reminder selection should also be changed. This change is, however, not carried out automatically, as only predefined reminder texts are automatically changed by the system. Using this action, the reminder specific reminder text assigned to the current reminder selection is deleted and a new predefined reminder text is assigned to the reminder selection in accordance with the new reminder level and the predefined reminder text group assigned to the customer. The new reminder text is displayed in the window Change Reminder Texts, where it can be edited until the reminder selection is approved. See the introduction of the window Change Reminder Texts for further information about reminder specific reminder texts.