Show Packing Slip Workspace

Use this workspace to view information about packing slips.

A packing slip is a confirmation that items have been delivered to a customer.

You can split a sales order into different deliveries, if partial delivery has been permitted in the Sales Orders workspace. The Sales Orders workspace shows how many items in each item line have been delivered, but not a specification of each delivery, that is, which items were delivered when.

Using the search functions in the Find menu, you can retrieve a packing slip in this workspace and see relevant (partial) delivery information. It is often easier to retrieve the information in Maconomy than to look for a printout in your files.

You can also print packing slips in batches. This saves time if you must reprint old packing slips because of a faulty printer or because they are lost. To reprint packing slips, you must deselect the Printed field in the Packing Slip island. You cannot change any information in the workspace; it is purely for reference.