Approve Reminder Criteria Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to approve reminder selections and print reminder letters.

Maconomy prints reminder letters automatically when you approve reminder selections. After you approve a reminder selection, you cannot change it, but you can reprint the reminder letters.

When you use the Standard print layout, you must first prepare company-specific customers for reminder selection. That is, you must reconcile all of the invoices for the selected customers with the payments that you have received from the customers before you print reminder letters. The reason for this is that printouts Standard layout based printouts only include debit entries and therefore include an excessive amount due if you have not performed this reconciliation

When you use the Detailed print layout, the printout includes entries that are relevant to the interest charge calculation-that is, entries that have been fully or partially reconciled with the original entry, and credit entries that are not due and have not yet been reconciled against other entries.

After you create and possibly revise the reminder selection you approve it. There can only be one reminder selection per company-specific customer at the time. You create reminder selections individually for each company-specific customer in the Change Reminder Selection workspace or for a range of company-specific customers in the Interest Reminder Selection workspace.

After you approve the reminder selection, you can no longer change it. After you approve a reminder selection, Maconomy enters the reminder entries into a journal of the type "Reminder Letter," which you can post in the Posting workspace in the G/L module. You can only approve reminder selections for customers who have a debit total larger than zero. If you received a payment after you created the reminder selection, but before you approved the selection, Maconomy will not approve the reminder selection.

If you want to calculate tax on the reminder charges, you must first enter a tax code in the System Information workspace in the Set-Up module. Maconomy automatically posts the tax amount to the account and any other dimension values that you specify for the tax code using a dimension combination.