
This section shows the Actions available in the Back Order Register workspace.

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Field Description
Recalculate Delivery Dates Using this action, you can update the delivery dates on the back order lines so that they reflect the latest developments in availability (for instance changes in the expected availability date of purchased items).

For each line, Maconomy calculates the earliest possible deliver date based on delivery time, inventory profile, the current purchase, production and order volumes, and quantity in stock. Blocked lines are ignored in this process. Please note that for each line, this can result in a later delivery date, as the items on the order are re-reserved as if they were lines being created, while all other item reservations in the system keep their reservation and thereby have first priority.

You can also use the window Update Back Order Register to update delivery dates on a range of back order lines. When delivery dates are changed in batch, the affected lines are reserved, and lines concerning the same item are prioritized based on their current delivery dates.

Assign Lines to Sales Orders This action is used for assigning back order lines to suitable sales orders. The action only affects lines that are not blocked. When you select the action, Maconomy will try to assign each of the lines in the current customer’s back order register to an order that meets the line’s requirements with regards to, for example, delivery information. If there are lines whose information makes them incompatible with existing orders, Maconomy will create orders for these lines. For each line, Maconomy runs the following procedure to find a suitable sales order:

Maconomy first recalculates the delivery date of the line using the method described for the action “Update Delivery Dates.”

Next, Maconomy checks if a destination has been specified for the company specific customer in question.

If it has, Maconomy identifies the earliest consignment going to this destination which has a packing date on or after the updated delivery date on the line. The consignment can either be an existing one or one that can be created automatically. Next, Maconomy looks for an approved blanket order (an order with the field “Blanket Order” marked) which has been assigned to this consignment, has not had any items delivered, picked or packed, and is not ready for delivery. If such an order exists, Maconomy transfers the line to the order. If no such order exists, Maconomy creates an order, assigns it to the consignment, and transfers the line to it.

If no destination has been specified for the company specific customer, Maconomy looks for an approved blanket order where no destination has been specified, and on which delivery has not yet taken place. If such an order exists, Maconomy transfers the line to the order. If no such order exists, Maconomy creates an order and transfers the line to it.

For further information about how Maconomy assigns lines to consignments, see Appendix B: Assign to Consignment.

Delete Blocked Lines When you select this action, Maconomy removes all lines in the table part where the field “Blocked” has been marked.