Charges Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Charges tab.

Charge Island

Field Description
Name Enter a unique name for the charge. You can change the name of an existing charge. This field must be completed.
Charge Description Enter the charge description. This is printed on order documents next to the charge amount.

The text you enter is furthermore created as an entry in the window Language Texts in the Set-Up module. It is then possible to assign translations of the charge description in the languages used in Maconomy. This makes it possible, for example, to send an invoice to a German company with the charge descriptions in German. In those cases where no translation of the charge description has been made in the language used in a given context for instance on the printout of an order confirmation, Maconomy uses the description in this field instead. For more information about charge descriptions in other languages, please see the description of the window Language Texts in the Set-Up module.

Charge Table Island

Field Description
From Charge Table If this field is selected, the current charge amount will be calculated from a charge table in Maconomy when the charge is selected on a sales order. The charge amount will be calculated from the charge table specified on the current sales order plus any charge discount percentage specified on the order. If no charge table has been specified on the order, the charge amount is 0. The charge can also be entered as a fixed price, a percentage of the invoice amount, or on the basis of a fixed charge table. However, you can only enter one of these methods for each charge code.

Charge tables are created and maintained in the window Charge Tables.

Charge Table In this field, you can enter the name of a charge table. If you specify a charge table in this field, the charge amount will always be calculated from this charge table when the charge is specified on an order. This means that the charge table in this field is used regardless of any other charge table selected on the sales order in question.

The charge can also be entered as a fixed price, a percentage of the invoice amount, or on the basis of a customer specific charge table. However, you can only enter one of these methods for each charge code.

Charge Discount % In this field, you can enter a discount percentage, if you have entered a charge table in the field “Charge Table” above. The discount will be subtracted from the charge amount calculated from the charge table.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.

Sales Order Island

Field Description
Fixed Amount In this field, you can enter a fixed amount in enterprise currency. You can also enter the charge as a percentage of the invoice amount or it can be calculated on the basis of a fixed or a customer dependent charge table. However, you can only enter one of these methods for each charge code.
Percentage In this field, you can enter a percentage. The percentage is taken from the item total of the invoice after invoice discount has been deducted. The charge can also be entered as a fixed amount, or it can be calculated the calculated on the basis of a fixed or a customer dependent charge table. However, you can only enter one of these methods for each charge code.
Limit In this field, you can specify an upper order limit amount in enterprise currency. This means that the charge only applies if the invoice amount (or the total for the items delivered on the packing slip in question if the field “Calculate per Delivery” has been marked for the charge), converted to enterprise currency, is smaller than the amount in this field. If the limit is “0,” the charge will always be added.
One-time Charge If a charge is marked as a once-time charge, it will be removed from a sales order after the order is invoiced the first time. In this way, an order that is partially delivered and invoiced more than once can be assigned charges that are not repeated with additional deliveries. For sales orders that are blanket orders, the charge is only applied once.
Calculate per Delivery In this field, you can specify if the charge should be calculated separately for the individual packing slip or from a summation of the information on the packing slips, if an invoice is based on multiple packing slips. If you mark this field, Maconomy will calculate separate charges for each packing slip created. This means that if a sales order is split into three deliveries, the charge will be calculated separately for the three packing slips. The three calculated charges will be summed at the time of invoicing. Consider, for instance, the following scenario: three packing slips are created for a sales order. The packing slips have an item total of USD 100, USD 120, and USD 150, respectively, and a charge to be calculated from the item total has been assigned to the order. If this field is selected, three charge amounts will be calculated, and the charges will be summed when invoicing the sales order. You can, for example, use this functionality when calculating freight charges which are to be calculated per delivery.

If you do not select this field, Maconomy will calculate the charge at the time of invoicing, and the calculation will be performed by summing up the information of the packing slips identified by the invoice. Consider, for instance, the following scenario: three packing slips are created for a sales order. The packing slips have an item total of USD 100, USD 120, and USD 150, respectively, and a charge to be calculated from the item total is assigned to the order. If this field is not selected, a single charge amount will be calculated when invoicing the order, based on the sum total, USD 370.

Tax Code In this field, you can specify a tax code (that is, a tax percentage). You can add up to three different tax codes if necessary. To enable multiple tax codes, the system parameters “Show Three Tax Levels” and/or “Show Two Tax Levels” must be marked in the System Parameters window. When multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax Code” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Tax Code 1,” “Tax Code 2” and, if enabled, “Tax Code 3.” For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Please note that tax is only added to the relevant amount if the customer is subject to paying tax.

Min. Charge In this field, you can enter the minimum amount to be collected if the charge is normally calculated as a percentage. The amount is specified in enterprise currency. This minimum charge will be used as the charge amount in cases where the amount calculated on the basis of a percentage, converted into the enterprise currency, is less than the minimum charge. The minimum charge is not collected, however, if the amount used as a basis for the current charge calculation exceeds the amount in the field “Limit.”
Max. Charge In this field, you can enter the maximum amount to be collected if the charge is normally calculated as a percentage. The amount is specified in enterprise currency. This maximum charge will be used as the charge amount in cases where the amount calculated on the basis of a percentage, converted into the enterprise currency, exceeds the maximum charge. The maximum charge is not collected, however, if the amount used as a basis for the current charge calculation exceeds the amount in the field “Limit.”

Posting Island

Field Description
Posting Group You must enter a reference here so that the charge will be assigned to a G/L account. The reference is written as 1, 2, 3 or 4 and refers to one of the four order charge posting references in the window Posting References (see below). By entering “1,” the charge will be posted to the account and any other dimensions referred to by means of a dimension combination in the posting reference type “Order Charge 1,” and so on.
Item Tax Code In this field, you can enter an item tax code, which is created in the window Popup Fields. Maconomy uses the field to determine which tax code to use for calculating tax for the current charge, as the reporting code is part of the criteria to select a tax code in the window Tax Tables in the G/L module. At this selection, Maconomy uses the tax table specified for the responsible company assigned to the current order, invoice, and so on. However, the tax code is only selected from a tax table, if you have specified in the window System Information that tax tables are to be used, and only if the company responsible for the current transaction is assigned to a tax table. If no tax table has been specified for the responsible company or if you are using differentiated tax, and you are not using tax tables, Maconomy will use the tax code specified for the individual charge in the window Charges. If neither tax tables nor differentiated tax has been selected, Maconomy uses the standard tax code specified in the window System Information in the Set-Up module.

When posting invoices and credit memos on which the current charge is specified, the reporting code is used for determining which tax report entries are to be created for the charge. On the basis of the tax report entries, it is possible to create tax reports which show tax and tax basis entries assigned to a given tax report field. This kind of reporting is only possible if extended tax reporting has been selected in the window System Information.