Payment Journal Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to view unposted vendor journals. Maconomy creates a payment journal for each approved payment selection, every check printed, and every payment file.

You can change the entry date. You can also change the amount in base currency if the entry uses foreign currency.

When you approve a conventional payment selection, Maconomy uses the current date as the entry date for the payment entries. When you approve an automatic payment selection and payment by check, Maconomy suggests the date of the payment order as the entry date.

For payments in foreign currency, when you use automatic payment selection, Maconomy uses your current exchange rate table for purchases to convert the foreign currency amount to base currency.

When you use the manual payment process, you enter the amount in base currency. You can also use the Import Payment Status workspace to import this information.

Note: If you select the Automatic Posting of Payment Journals system parameter, Maconomy posts payment journals automatically, so that information does not appear in this workspace.