
This section shows the Actions available in the Fixed Exchange Rate Information workspace.

Top Tab

Field Description
Copy Standard Exchange Rates to Job Use this action to create exchange rate table entries on the job with the current date as the start date and values copied from the selected standard exchange rate table using the standard exchange rate date. If you do not enter a date, the current date is used.

Notice that this action is only enabled if the field "Use Fixed Exchange Rates from Job" is check marked. If exchange rates for the job already exist, a warning is issued before overwriting the existing rates.

Copy Job Exchange Rates to Job Use this action to create exchange rate table entries on the job with the current date as the start date and values copied from the selected job entered.

Notice that this action is only enabled if the field "Use Fixed Exchange Rates from Job" is check marked. If exchange rates for the job already exist, a warning is issued before overwriting the existing rates.

Update Exchange Rates in Job Budgets Use this action to recalculate job budgets with the new exchange rates. If a budget is submitted, it must be resubmitted after the update. If a budget is approved, it will not be updated until it is reopened.