Sales Orders Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Sales Orders sub-tab.

Field Description
Order No. This column shows the numbers of the sales orders ready to be invoiced. Maconomy only shows the sales orders specified in the target group fields in the card part. A sales order is ready to be invoiced when items have been delivered. The order numbers cannot be changed here.
Customer No. This is the number of the customer to whom items were delivered. The number cannot be changed here.
Name This is the first line of the customer’s name. It cannot be changed here.
Bill to Customer Cust. No. This is the number of the customer who will be invoiced for the sales order. The number cannot be changed here.
Invoice Date Here you can enter the invoice date. If you leave the field blank, Maconomy inserts today’s date. Maconomy verifies that the date is within the open posting interval. The open posting interval is specified in the System Information window in the Set-Up module.
Invoice You mark this field for the sales order to be invoiced in a batch in the Print Invoice window. As described above, you can use the Selection Criteria to define which group of sales orders you wish to see in the table. You can always deselect individual orders here after defining the target group.

If a sales order is marked for invoicing, and you do not wish it to be invoiced, you must remove the mark here by clicking the field. Maconomy marks the field if the “Batch Invoice” field in the Sales Orders window is marked.

Company No. This field shows the number of the company responsible for the current order.
Department This is the department to which the sales order is assigned. You cannot change it here.
Reference This field shows any note entered in the Reference field in the Sales Orders window. The text cannot be changed here.