Bank Account Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Bank Account sub-tab.

Field Description
Payment Agent This field displays the name of the payment agent used in connection with a follow-up.
Bank Reg. No. This field displays the registration number of the bank.
Bank Acc. No. This field displays the account number of the current bank.
Account No. This field displays the account number of the current company.
Approved Balance This field displays the approved balance of the current company.
Posted Balance This field displays the posted balance of the current company.
Company No. This field displays the number of the current company.
Location This field displays a value for the Location dimension.
Entity This field displays a value for the Entity dimension.
Project This field displays a value for the Project dimension.
Purpose This field displays a value for the Purpose dimension.
Spec. 1 - 10 These fields display a value for the Specification 1-10 dimensions.
Local Spec. 1 - 10 These fields display a value for the Local Specification 1-10 dimensions.