Terminology Used with Multiple Companies
The Vantagepoint online help and user interface use standard terms to describe the multiple company environment.
- Related Topics:
- Enterprise
The enterprise is the umbrella under which multiple companies operate. You can think of the enterprise as the parent company. Settings at the enterprise level support cross-company transactions and reporting. - Company
The company is the highest level of the organization structure below the enterprise level. Each company is a separate legal entity and sets its own business rules. - Employee Home Company
When you track multiple companies in Vantagepoint, you use the Home Company field in the Summary pane of the Employees hub to assign an employee to a home company. - Active Company
The company that you select at login, or when you switch to a different company, is the active company. The active company is also known as the current company. - Initial Company
When you first enable the Multicompany application, Vantagepoint converts your existing database to support multiple companies and creates the initial company.
Parent Topic: Multiple Companies