Post Final Billing Invoices in Interactive Billing

If your security role has the proper access, you can have invoices post automatically after you accept them in Interactive Billing.

Prerequisites: Your security role must have access to the Post on Accept checkbox on the Billing Session Options dialog box and have security rights that allow you to final process invoices.

The invoice transaction file that is automatically created and posted includes all invoices that were finalized during the billing session, including invoices, voided invoices, credit memos, and retainage-only invoices.

If you do not have access to the Post on Accept checkbox, after you final accept an invoice in Interactive Billing you must go to Transaction Center > Transaction Entry > Invoices to post the invoice.

To automatically post a final accepted invoice in Interactive Billing:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Billing > Interactive Billing.
  2. On the Billing Session Options dialog box, complete the information for the session, select the Post on Accept checkbox, and click OK.
  3. On the Interactive Billing form, enter a complete or partial name or number in the Find project lookup field to find and select the project to invoice and then complete the information required to create the final invoice.
    For more detailed instructions, see other topics in More How To Topics for Interactive Billing.
  4. Click the Accept action.
  5. On the Invoice File Selection dialog box, create a new invoice file for posting or select an existing file.
  6. On the next Invoice Accept dialog box, review the invoice and click Accept.

When you leave the Interactive Billing application, an invoice transaction file is automatically created and posted. When the file is posted, your general ledger, accounts receivable ledger, and project records are updated.

View the posted invoice transactions in Transaction Center > Posting Review.