Contents of the Units Lookup Dialog Box

Use the fields and options on this dialog box to search for and select a combination of unit and unit table that you want to add to the lowest-level work breakdown structure (WBS) elements in a project plan.

The list may display the same unit more than once if that unit is associated with more than one unit table. You can add an assignment for a given unit more than once to the same work breakdown structure (WBS) element, as long as each instance of the unit is associated with a different unit table and/or a different account.


Field Description
Search field Use this field to filter the list of units that are available for selection. By default, this field contains the unit table that is assigned to the WBS element for which you are adding unit assignments, and the list contains the units from that table. If the WBS element has no assigned unit table or if the assigned unit table cannot be used because of currency mismatches, this field is blank, and the list includes units from all valid unit tables. In either case, you can enter another search value.

To search for units, enter one character to display a list of units that have a value in Unit, Unit Table, or Unit Name that begins with that character. Enter two or more characters to display a list of units that have that set of characters anywhere within the values in any of those fields.

In addition to your search criteria, only units from unit tables that also meet all of the following requirements are displayed for selection:
  • The unit table must be designated as available for project planning on the Unit Tables form (Settings > Accounting > Units).
  • The status of the unit table must be Active.
  • If Vantagepoint is set up to have multiple companies, the company with which the unit table is associated through its organization must match the company with which the WBS element is associated through its organization.
  • If Vantagepoint is set up to have multiple currencies and Use Billing (Not Project) Currency for Reporting is set to Yes on the Labor Options form (Settings > Accounting > Labor Options), the cost currency and billing currency for the unit table must be the same as the project currency and billing currency for the project on the Overview tab of the Projects form. If the Use Billing (Not Project) Currency for Reporting is set to No, both the cost currency and billing currency for the unit table must match the project currency for the project.
Unit Name This column displays the name of the unit.
Unit This column displays the numeric ID for the unit.
Unit Table This field displays the name of the unit table that contains the unit cost and billing rates and other key information that will be used for the unit when you assign it to the plan.
Unit Status You can select only active units, so this column always contains Active.
Select To select a unit-and-unit table combination for which you want to add an assignment to the plan, click the row for that combination in the list and then click Select.