Promotional Projects
A promotional project is a type of overhead project. It is used to collect project related costs prior to award of the contract, such as during the contract proposal process. Vantagepoint distributes costs charged to promotional projects among all regular projects in the same way that it distributes other overhead costs.
If necessary, you can transfer some or all of a promotional project's costs to a regular project number. To do this, transfer the costs using labor adjustments and journal entries or through Interactive Billing Transfers.
In the Accounting application, the sum of all the expenses charged to overhead and promotional projects equals the sum of all the expenses charged to indirect expense accounts in the general ledger.
Vantagepoint does not set to zero job-to-date amounts for promotional projects at the start of a new fiscal year. Job-to-date amounts on overhead projects are set to zero.
Indirect expenses in your General Ledger are calculated by including overhead project expenses and promotional project expenses.