Project Table Formats (PR)
Follow Vantagepoint specifications for preparing a file containing project data.
Note that when you import data to create a new project, Vantagepoint also creates an empty plan for that project using default settings, so you can immediately begin entering planned labor hours and planned expense and consultant amounts.
See the Vantagepoint Data Dictionary for more information about the fields (columns) in this table.
Field Name | Data Type | Length | Notes |
ActCompletionDate | datetime | Project's actual completion date. Corresponding milestone is added or updated. | |
Address1 | nvarchar | 50 | First line of the project's address |
Address2 | nvarchar | 50 | Second line of the project's address |
Address3 | nvarchar | 50 | Third line of the project's address |
AjeraBilledConsultant | decimal | 19,4 | Ajera Billed Consultant
The Ajera fields are not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
AjeraBilledLabor | decimal | 19,4 | Ajera Billed Labor |
AjeraBilledReimbursable | decimal | 19,4 | Ajera Billed Reimbursable |
AjeraCostConsultant | decimal | 19,4 | Ajera Cost Consultant |
AjeraCostLabor | decimal | 19,4 | Ajera Cost Labor |
AjeraCostReimbursable | decimal | 19,4 | Ajera Cost Reimbursable |
AjeraReceivedConsultant | decimal | 19,4 | Ajera Received Consultant |
AjeraReceivedLabor | decimal | 19,4 | Ajera Received Labor |
AjeraReceivedReimbursable | decimal | 19,4 | Ajera Received Reimbursable |
AjeraSpentConsultant | decimal | 19,4 | Ajera Spent Consultant |
AjeraSpentLabor | decimal | 19,4 | Ajera Spent Labor |
AjeraSpentReimbursable | decimal | 19,4 | Ajera Spent Reimbursable |
AjeraSync | varchar | 1 | Variable (Y/N) indicating if the project is to be passed to Ajera when you synchronize the two applications |
AjeraWIPConsultant | decimal | 19,4 | Ajera WIP Consultant |
AjeraWIPLabor | decimal | 19,4 | Ajera WIP Labor |
AjeraWIPReimbursable | decimal | 19,4 | Ajera WIP Reimbursable |
AllocMethod | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating the method for allocating the estimated fee to expected receipt dates |
AvailableForCRM | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether or not the record is available to CRM users; default is Y (Yes) |
AwardType | nvarchar | 15 | Source of contract funding for the project. Applies only if your industry is Government Contracting. Must already exist in CFGAwardType.
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
BidDate | datetime | Date when the organization submitted its bid for the project. Corresponding milestone is added or updated. | |
BillableWarning | varchar | 1 | Type of message to display in Expense when the user charges certain expenses to the project; valid options are E (Error), W (Warning), or N (None)
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
BillByDefault | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether or not certain project expenses are billable to the client. Valid options are Y (Yes, Billable), N (No, Nonbillable), or C (Category-specific)
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
BillByDefaultConsultants | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating the selection in the Bill by Default/Consultants field. Valid options are Y - Yes, N - No, and E - Expense Code.
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
BillByDefaultORTable | int | The override table number selected in the Bill by Default/Override Table field.
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
BillByDefaultOtherExp | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating the selection in the Bill by Default/Other Expenses field. Valid options are Y - Yes, N - No, and E - Expense Code.
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
Biller | nvarchar | 20 | Employee number of person responsible for project billing; must exist in EM
This field is not available on an overhead project or on a promotional project when it is linked to a regular project. |
BillingClientID | varchar | 32 | Client record number for the billing client; must exist in CL (ClientID/Client)
This field is not available on an overhead project or on a promotional project when it is linked to a regular project. |
BillingContactID | varchar | 32 | Contact record number for the billing contact; must exist in Contacts (ContactID/(LastName,FirstName,MiddleName,ClientID/Client))
This field is not available on an overhead project or on a promotional project when it is linked to a regular project. |
BillingCurrencyCode | nvarchar | 3 | Project's billing currency |
BillingExchangeRate | decimal | 19,10 | The exchange rate for the project's billing currency. In the Projects hub, this rate is entered in the
Exchange Rate field under the
Billing Currency field on the Budget & Revenue tab.
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
BillWBS1 | nvarchar | 30 | Reference project for the Unbilled Detail Report |
BillWBS2 | nvarchar | 30 | Reference field for the project phase |
BillWBS3 | nvarchar | 30 | Reference field for the project task |
BudgetedFlag | varchar | 1 | Budgeted labor code check for timesheets. Valid options are N (None), W (Warning), or E (Error) |
BudgetedLevels | nvarchar | 5 | Project's budgeted labor code levels; used when budgeted validation is in effect for timesheets |
BudgetLevel | varchar | 1 | This field is active only when the BudgetSource is Project Planning;valid options are Employee Only, Labor Code Only, or Both |
BudgetSource | varchar | 1 | This field is active only when BudgetedFlag is set to Error or Warning. The budget to use for budget validation of timesheets; valid options are Project Planning or Budget Worksheet |
BudOHRate | decimal | 19,4 | Project's budgeted overhead rate; cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
BusinessDeveloperLead | nvarchar | 20 | Associated business development lead's employee number; must exist in EM |
ChargeType | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating the project's charge type; required field; must exist in CFGChargeType (Type/Label) |
City | nvarchar | 30 | City of the project's address |
CLAddress | nvarchar | 20 | Client address description; must exist in CLAddress. Required if ReadyForProcessing is Y. |
CLBillingAddr | nvarchar | 20 | Client's billing address description; must exist in CLAddress. Required if ReadyForProcessing is Y.
This field is not available on an overhead project or on a promotional project when it is linked to a regular project. |
ClientAlias | nvarchar | 100 | Client alias to use in proposals if the client is confidential |
ClientConfidential | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether the client's name will be used in proposals or replaced with an alias; default is N (No), the client's name is not confidential |
ClientID | varchar | 32 | Client number; must exist in CL (ClientID/Client) |
Closed | int | Reserved for future use | |
CloseDate | datetime | If the project is assigned to a won, lost, or do not pursue stage, use this field to indicate the date on which the project was won or lost or on which you decided not to pursue it further.
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
ClosedNotes | nvarchar | 4000 | If the project is assigned to a won, lost, or do not pursue stage, use this field to import any additional information that is relevant to the project's stage.
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
ClosedReason | nvarchar | 10 | If the project is assigned to a won, lost, or do not pursue stage, use this field to indicate the reason it was moved to that stage. Reason must already exist in CFGOpportunityClosedReason .
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
CompetitionType | nvarchar | 15 | The type of competition for the project (for example, GSA Schedules or Woman Owned Set-Aside). Applies only if your industry is Government Contracting. Must already exist in CFGCompetitionType.
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
ComplDateComment | nvarchar | 20 | User-entered comment regarding the actual completion date
This field is not available on an overhead project. |
ConstComplDate | datetime | Construction completion date. Corresponding milestone is added or updated. | |
ConsultFee | decimal | 19,4 | Project's direct consultant fee in project currency; cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
ConsultFeeBillingCurrency | decimal | 19,4 | Project's direct consultant fee in billing currency; cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
ConsultFeeFunctionalCurrency | decimal | 19,4 | Project's direct consultant fee in functional currency; cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
ContactFirstName | nvarchar | 25 | Primary contact's first name |
ContactID | varchar | 32 | Contact record number for the primary contact. Must exist in Contacts (ContactID/(LastName,FirstName,MiddleName,ClientID/Client)). |
ContactLastName | nvarchar | 30 | Primary contact's last name |
ContactMiddleName | nvarchar | 30 | Primary contact's middle name |
ContractDate | datetime | Project contract's award date. Corresponding milestone is added or updated. | |
ContractTypeGovCon | nvarchar | 15 | Type of contract for the project (for example, Cost Plus Fixed Fee, Time and Materials). Applies only if your industry is Government Contracting. Must already exist in CFGContractTypeGovCon.
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
CostRateMeth | smallint | Project's cost rate method | |
CostRateTableNo | int | Cost rate table number | |
Country | nvarchar | 40 | Country of the project's address |
County | nvarchar | 50 | County of the project's address |
CustomCurrencyCode | nvarchar | 3 | Currency code for any user-defined currency fields |
DefaultEffortDriven | int | Reserved for future use | |
DefaultTaskType | int | Reserved for future use | |
Duration | nvarchar | 255 | Description of the total expected duration of the contract (for example, 1 year base plus 4 x 1 year option). Applies only if your industry is Government Contracting.
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
nvarchar | 50 | Project location email address | |
EndDate | Do not use | ||
EstCompletionDate | datetime | Project's estimated completion date. Corresponding milestone is added or updated. | |
EstConstructionCost | decimal | 19,4 | Reserved for future use |
EstEndDate | datetime | Do not use | |
EstFees | decimal | 19,4 | Do not use |
EstStartDate | datetime | Project's estimated start date. Corresponding milestone is added or updated. | |
ExpPctComp | decimal | 19,4 | Estimated expense percent complete for the project |
Fax | nvarchar | 24 | Project location facsimile transmission telephone number |
FaxFormat | nvarchar | 24 | Format to use for the fax number |
FEAddlExpenses | decimal | 19,4 | Fee estimate additional expenses
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
FEAddlExpensesPct | decimal | 19,4 | Fee estimate additional expenses percentage
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
FederalInd | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether or not this is a federal project; default is N (No) |
Fee | decimal | 19,4 | Sum of fees for direct labor and direct expense in project currency; cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
FeeBillingCurrency | decimal | 19,4 | Sum of fees for direct labor and direct expense in billing currency; cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
FeeDirExp | decimal | 19,4 | Project's fee for direct expense in project currency; cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
FeeDirExpBillingCurrency | decimal | 19,4 | Project's fee for direct expense in billing currency; cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
FeeDirExpFunctionalCurrency | decimal | 19,4 | Project's fee for direct expense in functional currency; cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
FeeDirLab | decimal | 19,4 | Project's fee for direct labor in project currency; cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
FeeDirLabBillingCurrency | decimal | 19,4 | Project's fee for direct labor in billing currency; cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
FeeDirLabFunctionalCurrency | decimal | 19,4 | Project's fee for direct labor in functional currency; cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
FeeFunctionalCurrency | decimal | 19,4 | Sum of fees for direct labor and direct expense in functional currency; cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
FEOther | decimal | 19,4 | Fee estimate other amount
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
FEOtherPct | decimal | 19,4 | Fee estimate other percentage
This field is not available on an unlinked promotional project. This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
FESurcharge | decimal | 19,4 | Fee estimate surcharge amount
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
FESurchargePct | decimal | 19,4 | Fee estimate surcharge percentage
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
FirmCost | decimal | 19,4 | Organization's total cost for completing the project |
FirmCostComment | nvarchar | 20 | User-entered comment regarding the Firm Cost |
ICBillingExp | varchar | 1 | The level at which to apply the intercompany expense billing rate method: Global or Project |
ICBillingExpMethod | smallint | The intercompany expense billing rate method. The method is used when the rate method is applied at the project level. Valid options are Multiplier, Billing Terms, By Account, By Category, By Vendor. | |
ICBillingExpMult | decimal | 19,4 | The intercompany expense billing multiplier |
ICBillingExpTableNo | int | The intercompany expense rate table ID for the rate table specified in the Projects hub | |
ICBillingLab | varchar | 1 | The level at which to apply the intercompany labor billing rate method: Global or Project |
ICBillingLabMethod | smallint | The intercompany labor billing rate method. The method is used when the rate method is applied at the project level. Valid options are Multiplier, Billing Terms, Rate Table, By Category. | |
ICBillingLabMult | decimal | 19,4 | The intercompany expense billing multiplier |
ICBillingLabTableNo | int | The intercompany labor rate table ID for the rate table specified in the Projects hub | |
IQID | nvarchar | 50 | GovWin IQ identifier for the opportunity imported to create the project
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
IQLastUpdate | datetime | Date when information for the project was last updated based on changes to the GovWin IQ opportunity from which the project was created. | |
LabBillTable | int | Rate table for labor billing estimates | |
LabCostTable | int | Rate table for labor cost estimates | |
LabPctComp | decimal | 19,4 | Estimated labor percent complete for the project |
LineItemApproval | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating the project's timesheet line item approval setting; valid options are Yes, No, or System (the default) |
LineItemApprovalEK | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating the project's expense report line item approval setting; valid options are Yes, No, or System (the default) |
Locale | nvarchar | 2 | Project's payroll tax locale |
LongName | nvarchar | 255 | Project's long name |
LostTo | varchar | 32 | If the project is assigned to a lost stage, the firm ID of the firm that won the contract.
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
MarketingCoordinator | nvarchar | 20 | Associated marketing coordinator's employee number; must exist in EM |
MasterContract | nvarchar | 15 | If you are competing for the project under an indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contract (IDIQ) or similar Master Services Agreement, use this field to import the master contract. Must already exist in CFGMasterContract.
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
Memo | nvarchar | 16 | Memo field for comments on the project |
MultAmt | decimal | 19,4 | Multiplier or amount to use for the project when running Revenue Generation; cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
NAICS | nvarchar | 15 | North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code or description. Must already exist in CFGNAICS.
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
Name | nvarchar | 40 | Project name; required field |
OpenDate | datetime | Date when you began pursuing the project
This field is not available on an unlinked promotional project. |
OpportunityID | varchar | 32 | No longer used. |
Org | nvarchar | 14 | Project's organization; must exist in Organization |
OurRole | nvarchar | ||
PayRateMeth | smallint | Project's pay rate method | |
PayRateTableNo | int | Pay rate table number | |
PctComp | decimal | 19,4 | Estimated overall percent complete for the project |
PeriodOfPerformance | decimal | 19,5 | Project's period of performance, which is typically the number of months that you expect to work on the contract associated with the project. Applies if your industry is Government Contracting.
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
Phone | nvarchar | 24 | Project location telephone number |
PhoneFormat | nvarchar | 24 | Format to use for the project location phone number |
PlanID | varchar | 32 | Internal identifier for the project plan |
POCNSRate | decimal | 19,4 | Consultant expense markup for the project's committed expenses from purchase orders
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
PORMBRate | decimal | 19,4 | Reimbursable expense markup for the project's committed expenses from purchase orders
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
Principal | nvarchar | 20 | Principal's employee number; must exist in EM |
Probability | smallint | Probability that you will win an in pursuit project. Value must match either probability description or probability code. For projects with the Overhead or Promotional charge type, the probability must be set up as 100%.
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
ProfServicesComplDate | datetime | Professional services completion date. Corresponding milestone is added or updated. | |
ProjectCurrencyCode | nvarchar | 3 | Project's functional currency |
ProjectExchangeRate | decimal | 19,10 | The exchange rate for the project's currency. In the Projects hub, this rate is entered in the
Exchange Rate field under the
Project Currency field on the Budget & Revenue tab.
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
ProjectTemplate | nvarchar | 10 | Project template code as defined in the Ajera Project Template code table in Settings
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
ProjectType | vnarchar | 10 | Project type; must exist in CFGProjectType (Code/Description) |
ProjMgr | nvarchar | 20 | Project manager's employee number; must exist in EM |
ProposalManager | nvarchar | 20 | Associated proposal manager's employee number; must exist in EM |
ProposalWBS1 | nvarchar | 30 | Promotional project linked to the record; must exist in PR |
PublicNoticeDate | datetime | Do not use. | |
ReadOnly | int | Reserved for future use | |
ReadyForApproval | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether or not the record is available to Accounting users |
ReadyForProcessing | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether or not the record is approved for use in transaction processing |
Referable | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether or not the project can be used as a work reference in proposals; default is N (No)
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
ReimbAllow | decimal | 19,4 | Project's reimbursable allowance in project currency; cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
ReimbAllowBillingCurrency | decimal | 19,4 | Project's reimbursable allowance in billing currency; cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
ReimbAllowCons | decimal | 19,4 | Project's reimbursable allowance for consultants in project currency; cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
ReimbAllowConsBillingCurrency | decimal | 19,4 | Project's reimbursable allowance for consultants in billing currency; cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
ReimbAllowConsFunctionalCurrency | decimal | 19,4 | Project's reimbursable allowance for consultants in functional currency; cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
ReimbAllowExp | decimal | 19,4 | Project's reimbursable allowance for expenses in project currency; cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
ReimbAllowExpBillingCurrency | decimal | 19,4 | Project's reimbursable allowance for expenses in billing currency; cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
ReimbAllowExpFunctionalCurrency | decimal | 19,4 | Project's reimbursable allowance for expenses in functional currency; cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
ReimbAllowFunctionalCurrency | decimal | 19,4 | Project's reimbursable allowance in functional currency; cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
RequireComments | varchar | 1 | Flag indicating whether the Require Comments for Hours option is selected for the project. |
Responsibility | nvarchar | 10 | Organization's project responsibility; must exist in CFGPRResponsibility (Code/Description)
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
RestrictChargeCompanies | varchar | 1 | Flag indicating whether or not charges to the project are restricted to named companies; valid options are Y (Yes) or N (No) |
Revenue | decimal | 19,4 | Revenue amount that the project is expected to generate
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
RevenueMethod | nvarchar | 1 |
Project's revenue method This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
RevType RevType2 RevType3 RevType4 RevType5 |
nvarchar | 10 | Revenue method to use for the first through fifth uninvoiced accounts when the revenue by category feature is enabled. must exist in CFGRGMethods (Method/Description); cannot enter unless ChargeType = R and Sublevel = N
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
RevUpsetCategoryToAdjust | smallint | The unbillled revenue category to which to assign any adjustment when the revenue upset limit is exceeded.
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
RevUpsetIncludeComp | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether or not to include compensation in the project's revenue upset limit
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
RevUpsetIncludeCons | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether or not to include consultant expense in the project's revenue upset limit
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
RevUpsetIncludeReimb | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether or not to include reimbursable expense in the project's revenue upset limit
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
RevUpsetLimits | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether or not revenue upset limits are enabled for the project
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
RevUpsetWBS2 | nvarchar | 30 | Variable indicating whether or not revenue upset limits are enabled at the phase level
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
RevUpsetWBS3 | nvarchar | 30 | Variable indicating whether or not revenue upset limits are enabled at the task level
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
ServProCode | nvarchar | 10 | Fee estimate service profile
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
SFID | nvarchar | 18 | If the project was created by importing data from a Salesforce opportunity, the Salesforce opportunity record number.
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
SFLastModifiedDate | datetime | Date that the project information was last updated with data from Salesforce. | |
SiblingWBS1 | nvarchar | 30 | For a regular project, the project number of its linked promotional project. For a promotional project, the project number of its linked regular project.
This field is not available on an overhead project. |
Solicitation | nvarchar | 255 | Request for proposal (RFP) number for the project.
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
SolicitationNum | nvarchar | 30 | Do not use |
Source | nvarchar | 10 | How/where you learned about the project; null or must exist in CFGOpportunitySource (Code/Description)
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
Stage | nvarchar | 10 | Project's stage. Required if project has Regular charge type. Not used for projects with Overhead or Promotional charge type. Null or must exist in CFGOpportunityStage (Code/Description)
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
StartDate | datetime | Actual start date for the project. Corresponding milestone is added or updated. | |
State | nvarchar | 10 | State of the project's address.
The state must exist in CFGStates. If you import both state and country, that combination must already be a valid combination in Vantagepoint. If you import a state but not a country, the state must be a valid state for the United States. |
Status | varchar | 1 | Project's status; valid options are A (Active), I (Inactive), or D (Dormant); required field; must exist in CFGProjectStatus (Code/Description) |
SubLevel | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether or not the project has phases and tasks; default is N (No) |
Supervisor | nvarchar | 20 | Project, phase, or task supervisor's employee number; must exist in EM |
Timescale | varchar | 1 | Variable that indicates the timescale across which to allocate the estimated fee when using the Spread Evenly Across Time Scale allocation method
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
TKCheckRPDate | varchar | 1 | Flag indicating whether Vantagepoint Timesheet should check task start and end dates in project plans |
TKCheckRPPlannedHrs | varchar | 1 | Flag indicating whether the Check Project Planning for Planned Hours option is selected for the project |
TLChargeBandExternalCode | nvarchar | 14 | No longer used |
TLChargeBandInternalKey | nvarchar | 40 | No longer used |
TLInternalKey | nvarchar | 40 | No longer used |
TLProjectID | nvarchar | 40 | No longer used |
TLProjectName | nvarchar | 255 | No longer used |
TotalContractValue | decimal | 19,5 | Total amount of the contract for the owner of the project, in the project currency. Displayed in
Owner Value in the summary pane of the Projects hub.
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
TotalCostComment | nvarchar | 20 | User-entered comment regarding the Project Cost |
TotalProjectCost | decimal | 19,4 | Total project cost |
UnitTable | nvarchar | 20 | Default unit table to use for the project; must exist in UnitTable |
VersionID | int | Reserved for future use | |
WBS1 | nvarchar | 30 | Project number; primary key |
WBS2 | nvarchar | 30 | Reference field for the project phase; this column is populated by Vantagepoint after the WBS1 column in this table is filled in; primary key; must have at least one blank space |
WBS3 | nvarchar | 30 | Reference field for the project task; this column is populated by Vantagepoint after the WBS1 column in this table is filled in; primary key; must have at least one blank space |
WeightedRevenue | decimal | 19,4 | Product of Revenue and Probability; automatically calculated
This field is not available on an overhead project or an unlinked promotional project. |
XCharge | varchar | 1 | Setting to use for cross charges to the project; valid options are G (Global, default), N (None), or P (Project) |
XChargeMethod | smallint | Cross-charge method for the project; valid options are 1 (Billing Terms) or 0 (Multiplier) | |
XChargeMult | decimal | 19,4 | Cross-charge multiplier for the project |
Zip | nvarchar | 10 | ZIP code of the project's address |