Accounts Table Formats (CA)

Follow Vantagepoint specifications for preparing a file containing account data.

See the Vantagepoint Data Dictionary for more information about the fields (columns) in this table.

Field Name Data Type Length Notes
Account varchar 13 Account number; primary key
Name varchar 40 Account name
CashBasisAccount varchar 13 Cash-basis account number
CashBasisRevaluation varchar
FASAccount varchar 255 Account number for the Best Fixed Assets Interface utility
Status varchar 1 Account's status; valid options are A (Active), I (Inactive), or D (Dormant); required field; must exist in CFGAccountStatus (Status/Label)
Detail smallint 2 Variable indicating how detail appears on the General Ledger Account Analysis; valid options are Show Detail, No Detail, or Summarized
GlobalAccount varchar 1 Flag indicating whether or not the account is available to all companies only to designated companies in Chart of Accounts company mapping; valid options are Y (Yes) or N (No)
AccountCurrencyCode varchar 3

The account's currency code, which is required for any account associated with bank codes, and optional otherwise; when used, it limits to that currency all transactions posted to the account.

For accounts associated with bank codes, it ensures that all transactions against the bank code are in the bank's account currency.

CustomCurrencyCode varchar 3 Currency of any custom fields in the Chart of Accounts
QBOAccountID nvarchar
Type smallint
UnrealizedGainAccount nvarchar
UnrealizedLossAccount nvarchar