You can create and save different views (different versions) of the grid's columns and details. This allows you to customize multiple views of a grid, so you have easy access to the specific information that is needed for each record. You can save these different views for personal use or to share with team members.
When creating and saving grid views, you can modify the:
- Selected grid columns that display
- Order of grid columns
- Width of each column
To customize and save grid views:
Open the List View.
Use the
grid toolbar and grid actions to modify the grid view in one or more of these ways:
Note that for Transaction Center grids, you can have different columns depending on the company's Use Files to Group Transaction option in
. This option determines if transaction files are grouped in batches or posted individually.
View: +Save Options.
On the Save Options dialog box, select one of these options:
Save as New View: Click this option to save the view as a new grid view.
Save/Overwrite Existing: Click this option to overwrite the existing view.
- Delete: Click this option to delete the existing view.
Enter a unique name for the view and select the team members/roles who will have access to the view.