Roles Form
Use the Roles form to establish security rights for each role. These rights determine a role's access to the modules, tabs, templates, reports, and records. In many cases, security rights are hierarchical, meaning that you make a basic choice and then further refine that choice.
You assign security roles to each user that you set up in
.If you have named user licenses for one or more modules, Vantagepoint verifies that you do not have more named users than your licenses allow and displays a message if you do. This occurs when you open this form and after you save changes to the access rights associated with a role. If you receive a license violation message, click
on the Actions bar to review the number of named user licenses you have, how many of those licenses are in use, and which roles are using them.- Related Topics:
- Display the Roles Form
You display the Roles form in Security Settings. - Header Fields for the Security Roles Form
Use the header fields above the Actions bar to search for existing roles, to add new roles, select records, build new searches or ad hoc searches, or switch between list and detailed views. Header fields are generally available, whichever tab is currently selected. - Actions Bar for the Roles Form
Use the Actions bar to copy and save role information. - Customize the Grid View for the Roles Form
When you choose the List View to display your role records, you see multiple records arranged in a grid, rather than on separate tabs. This lets you view multiple records at one time and quickly evaluate the record data. You can customize the columns that display in the grid. - Overview Tab of the Roles Form
Use this tab to enter basic settings for a security role, such as the ability to access Vantagepoint applications (menu items), the role type, search and save rights, and more. - Record Access Tab of the Roles Form
Use the Record Access tab to determine a role's access rights to specific menus and records. For example, a project manager needs full access to records in the Projects hub, but a project consultant needs only read access to these records. - Accounting Tab of the Roles Form
Use the Accounting tab to control users' access to accounting-related functions and records. - Planning Tab of the Roles Form
Use the Planning tab to establish a user role's access rights to several project planning functions. - Access Rights Tab of the Roles Form
Use this tab to assign a role access to different functional areas and types of data in Vantagepoint, including access to specific tabs, searches, reports, and so on.
Parent Topic: Fields and Options