Post Payroll

A processed payroll run is recognized after you post it. You cannot cancel a payroll run after you post the run.

Prerequisite: You must print and assign check numbers before you post payroll payments. For more information, see:

To post payroll payments:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Payroll > Payroll Payments.
  2. On the Payroll Payments form, enter a complete or partial name or number in the Find payment run lookup field to find and open the payment run with a status of Printing, Printed, or Assigned.
    This form also displays immediately after checks are processed.
  3. On the Actions bar, click Post Payments.
  4. In response to the confirmation prompt, click Yes.
    When posting is complete, a dialog box displays to indicate that the run is complete and to report the total processing time.

    If the Post FICA to AP Voucher option is selected on the FICA tab of Settings > Payroll > General in the desktop application, an accounts payable voucher is generated each time that a payroll run is posted. In this case, the Create Voucher for FICA dialog box displays. Enter information on this dialog box and click OK to continue posting payroll and to generate an accounts payable voucher file.

  5. Click OK to close the dialog box.
    When payments are processed, the payroll run is posted to the General Ledger and Vantagepoint marks the time posted for the period as being paid.

Next Step: Process Payroll Direct Deposit/Electronic Funds Transfer