Employees (Key Conversions)
Use the key conversions utility for employees to change the employee number of employee records or combine employee records.
- Retains duplicate Time records and updates the sequence so that the old employee detail lines appear after the new employee, but deletes duplicate Timesheet master and Time master records.
- Combines duplicate employee accrual detail records by adding earned, taken, earned since last payroll, and taken since last payroll information.
- Combines duplicate employee accrual master records by adding current earned, current taken, and hours.
- Deletes duplicate employee contact association records.
If you use multiple companies and the employee is associated with more than one company, all of the associated companies will be combined if you combine employee records. All of the associated companies will be converted if you add a new employee record.
Prerequisite: Back up your Vantagepoint database.
Combine Employee Records
Use the key conversions utility for employees to merge existing duplicate employee records. The selected employee in the Existing Employee Number column merges into the selected employees under New Employee Number column. Combining employee records in this utility merges the employee hub records with all associated details and transactions.
Change the Number of an Employee Record
Use the key conversions utility for employees to change employee number on an existing employee record. Changing the employee number in this utility updates the employee record in the Employee hub as well as any associated details and transactions.
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- How to...
You can combine employee records or change the employee number or employee records. - Employees Form (Key Conversions)
Use the tabs on the Employees form in the Key Conversion utility to combine employee records or change the employee numbers of employee records.