New Hires Data Mapping

Talent Management new hire information is mapped into Vantagepoint.

You should maintain employee records in Vantagepoint. Changes will be synchronized between the two applications on the next data transfer.

The following table shows the sources of the employee data:

Vantagepoint Destination Table Vantagepoint Destination Field Vantagepoint Field Description Talent Management/Default Source
EMMain, EMCompany Employee Employee ID

The value of Employee ID is used to match the records between Vantagepoint and Talent Management. Before the integration and data initialization, it is recommended that the values for the Employee ID in both systems match. Also, note that Vantagepoint has an auto-numbering feature that can affect the value of the Employee ID.

EMMain HomeCompany Home Company req_company_code
EMMain LastName Last Name user_lastname
EMMain FirstName First Name user_firstname
EMMain MiddleName Middle Name user_middlename
EMMain BillingPool [Reserved for Future Use] N/A
EMMain SSN Social Security Number code (get_national_identifier API) 2
EMMain Address1 First line of address user_address_one
EMMain Address2 Second line of address user_address_two
EMMain Address3 Third line of address user_address_three
EMMain City City user_city
EMMain State State user_state_abbreviation
EMMain ZIP ZIP user_zipcode
EMMain Country Country user_country_abbreviation
EMMain HomePhone Home Telephone Number phones (where type=home) 3
EMMain EMail Email user_email
EMMain TKAdminLevel Time Administration Level N/A
EMMain TKAdminEdit Time Administration Level Editing N/A
EMMain TKAdminApproval Time Administration Level Approval N/A
EMMain Memo Comments N/A
EMMain Salutation Prefix for the Name N/A
EMMain Suffix Suffix for the Name N/A
EMMain Title Job Title N/A
EMMain ExportInd [Reserved for Future Use] N/A
EMMain WorkPhone Work Telephone Number phones (where type=work) 3
EMMain MobilePhone Mobile Phone Number phones (where type=mobile) 3
EMMain AvailableforCRM Available to CRM users N/A
EMMain ReadyForApproval Available to Accounting users N/A
EMMain PreferredName Preferred Name N/A
EMMain HomePhoneFormat Format for the Home Phone Number phone format in Vantagepoint of the value of country field (user_country_abbreviation in Talent Management)
EMMain WorkPhoneFormat Format for the Work Phone Number phone format in Vantagepoint of the value of country field (user_country_abbreviation in Talent Management)
EMMain MobilePhoneFormat Format for the Mobile Phone Number phone format in Vantagepoint of the value of country field (user_country_abbreviation in Talent Management)
EMMain Language Language N/A
EMMain TargetRatio Percentage of Hours Expected to be Charged to a Project N/A
EMMain UtilizationRatio Utilization Ratio N/A
EMMain ConsultantInd Consultant Indicator N/A
EMMain ClientVendorInd Indicator for Client/Vendor option N/A
EMMain ClientID Client ID N/A
EMMain Vendor Name of the Vendor/Consultant N/A
EMMain CreateUser Username of the User who Created the Record AuditUser (CFGIntegrationWS)
EMMain CreateDate Date and Time when the Record was Created current date_time
EMMain ModUser Username of the User who Modified the Record AuditUser (CFGIntegrationWS)
EMMain ModDate Date and Time when the Record was Modified current date_time
EMMain TalentModDate Date and Time when a Mapped Record Between Vantagepoint and Talent Management was Last Modified in Vantagepoint N/A
EMCompany JobCostRate Job Cost Rate N/A
EMCompany JobCostType Job Cost Type (Hourly or Salaried) N/A
EMCompany JCOvtPct Overtime Percentage N/A
EMCompany HoursPerDay Number of Hours Worked Per Day N/A
EMCompany HireDate Hire Date user_hire_date or candidate_hire date, whichever is more recent
EMCompany RaiseDate Date of Next Raise N/A
EMCompany Status Status N/A
EMCompany Type Employee Type (Principal or Employee) N/A
EMCompany Org Organization req_division_code for databases with 1-2 organizational levels

req_department_code for databases with 3 or more organizational levels

EMCompany Region Regional Office N/A
EMCompany BillingCategory Default Category when By category labor billing method is used N/A
EMCompany TKGroup Time group N/A
EMCompany EKGroup Expense group N/A
EMCompany PayRate Pay Rate N/A
EMCompany PayType Pay Type (Hourly or Salary) N/A
EMCompany PayOvtPct Overtime Percentage Rate N/A
EMCompany PaySpecialOvtPct Special Overtime Percentage Rate N/A
EMCompany ADPFileNumber ADP File Number N/A
EMCompany ADPCompanyCode ADP Company Code N/A
EMCompany ADPRateCode ADP Rate Code N/A
EMCompany ProvCostRate Provisional Cost Rate N/A
EMCompany ProvBillRate Provisional Billing Rate N/A
EMCompany ProvCostOTPct Provisional Cost Rate for Overtime N/A
EMCompany ProvBillOTPct Provisional Billing Rate for Overtime N/A
EMCompany DefaultLC1 Level 1 default labor code N/A
EMCompany DefaultLC2 Level 2 default labor code N/A
EMCompany DefaultLC3 Level 3 default labor code N/A
EMCompany DefaultLC4 Level 4 default labor code N/A
EMCompany DefaultLC5 Level 5 default labor code N/A
EMCompany ChangeDefaultLC Indicator for Changing the Default Labor Code N/A
EMCompany TerminationDate Termination Date N/A
EMCompany UseTotalHrsAsStd Indicator for Using Total Hours Worked as the Standard for Time Analysis Reporting N/A
EMCompany JCSpecialOvtPct Job Costing Special Overtime Percentage N/A
EMCompany ProvCostSpecialOTPct Provisional Cost Percentage for Special Overtime N/A
EMCompany ProvBillSpecialOTPct Provisional Billing Percentage for Special Overtime N/A
EMCompany YearsOtherFirms Years Worked in Other Firms N/A
EMCompany Supervisor Supervisor manager_employee_id
EMCompany ReadyForProcessing Indicator for Approved for Use in Transaction Processing N/A
EMCompany CheckHours Indicator if actual hours in Timesheet match expected hours N/A
EMCompany Locale Payroll Tax Locale N/A
EMCompany LocaleMethod Method for specifying the Payroll Tax Locale N/A
EMCompany OtherPay The first Other Pay amount N/A
EMCompany OtherPay2 The second Other Pay amount N/A
EMCompany OtherPay3 The third Other Pay amount N/A
EMCompany OtherPay4 The fourth Other Pay amount N/A
EMCompany OtherPay5 The fifth Other Pay amount N/A
EMCompany CostRateMeth Cost Rate Method N/A
EMCompany CostRateTableNo Cost Rate Table Number N/A
EMCompany PayRateMeth Pay Rate Method N/A
EMCompany PayRateTableNo Pay Rate Table Number N/A
EMCompany PriorYearsFirm Prior Years with this Firm N/A
EMCompany PaychexCode1 Paychex code for regular hours N/A
EMCompany PaychexCode2 Paychex code for overtime hours N/A
EMCompany PaychexCode3 Paychex code for special overtime hours N/A
EMCompany IncludeLocalJurisOnly Indicator for Include Local Jurisdictions option N/A
EMCompany AllowChargeUnits Indicator for Allow Employee to Charge Units in Timesheet option N/A
EMCompany RequireStartEndTime Indicator for Require Employee to Enter Start and End Times option N/A
EMCompany AllowBreakTime Indicator for Allow Employee to Enter Meals and Breaks option N/A
EMCompany DefaultBreakStartDateTime Date and time selected in Default Meal Start Time N/A
EMCompany DefaultBreakEndDateTime Date and time selected in Default Meal End Time N/A
EMCompany PaychexRateNumber Default Paychex Rate Number N/A
EMCompany EmailPayrollRemittance Option for Receiving Payroll Check Remittance reports N/A
EMCompany EmailExpenseRemittance Option to Allow Employees to Receive Expense Check Remittance reports N/A
EMCompany OccupationalCode Occupational code for Alaska N/A
EMCompany GeographicCode Geographical code for Alaska N/A
EMCompany StatutoryEmployee Statutory Employee option N/A
EMCompany RetirementPlan Retirement Plan option N/A
EMCompany ThirdPartySickPay Amount from Third Party Sick Pay N/A
EMCompany ClieOpTransactionType Transaction type for the ClieOP format N/A
EMCompany ClieOp ClieOp format option N/A
EMCompany ClieOpAccount Account number for the ClieOP format N/A
EMCompany ClieOpAccountType Account type for the ClieOP format N/A
EMCompany SEPAIBAN Employee IBAN number for SEPA format N/A
EMCompany SEPABIC Employee BIC number N/A
EMCompany TaxRegistrationNumber Tax Registration Number N/A
EMCompany DisableTSRevAudit Disable Timesheet Revision Auditing N/A

If employee auto-numbering is enabled, Vantagepoint ignores the Employee ID (user_employee_id) from Talent Management.

If employee auto-numbering is disabled, either of the following occurs:

  • Vantagepoint uses the value of the Employee ID (user_employee_id) from Talent Management
  • If the employee record does not have a value for the Employee ID field (user_employee_id), Vantagepoint uses the Talent Management User ID (hrsmart_user_id) as the Vantagepoint Employee ID.

When there is no value for the national_identifier field in Talent Management, you can add a value for the SSN field in Vantagepoint.

If you need to modify the value for national_identifier, you should change the value of the SSN field. The value of national_identifier in Talent Management will be updated on the next data transfer between the two applications.

The national_identifier field is only supported for the US, UK, Brazil, Canada, India, France, Italy, and South Africa. If there is no national_identifier for the employee record, Talent Management does not populate the SSN field in Vantagepoint.


Enable empty_phone_fields in Talent Management to delete the corresponding phone number in Talent Management when the phone number in Vantagepoint has been deleted.

The phone number in Talent Management is updated in the next data run.

Disable merge_phones_per_type to overwrite an existing phone number of the same type (home, work, or mobile) in Talent Management with an updated number in Vantagepoint during a data run. If enabled, Talent Management creates another phone number of the same type.

To change the type of the phone number (for example, making the work phone number the mobile number), delete the value of the original phone number type first (in the example, the work phone number), run the Talent Management Integration service, then update the value of the correct phone number type (in the example, the mobile phone number).