How to...
After you open or create a general ledger budget, you can add accounts and adjust or distribute amounts.
- Related Topics:
- Open a General Ledger Budget
Most procedures for general ledger budgets require that you first open an existing budget. - Create a General Ledger Budget
You can create a new general ledger budget or consolidate multiple budgets into a single budget. - Copy an Existing General Ledger Budget
You can copy an existing budget and then modify its information to create a new one. - Update an Existing General Ledger Budget
You can update existing budgets. - Add an Account to the General Ledger Budget
You can add accounts to a budget by inserting them on the General Ledger Budget form. - Import Accounts into a General Ledger Budget
You can import accounts when you are creating a new budget. To add accounts to a budget, you can import accounts from other budgets, the Income Statement, or the Balance Sheet. - Copy Amounts to the Current Budget
You can create a budget, add accounts to it, and then populate it with budget amounts that are copied from the Income Statement, the Balance Sheet, or another budget. - Adjust Budget Amounts by a Fixed Amount
To adjust your general ledger budget, or increase or decrease the budget for each period, you can adjust the period amounts by a fixed monetary amount. - Adjust Budget Amounts by a Percentage
To adjust your general ledger budget, or increase or decrease the budget for each period, you can adjust the period amounts by a percentage. - Enter a Reference Budget Amount
Use a reference amount if you want to adjust a budget amount but still keep track of the original amount. - Distribute an Annual Amount Evenly Across Periods
One way to enter period-by-period budgets for an account is to enter a total annual budget and have it distributed evenly across all periods in the year. You can set the distribution to run automatically or run it manually. - Consolidate Multiple Budgets
You can combine two or more general ledger budgets into one consolidated budget. If you have the same account specified in more than one budget, amounts are combined on a single line. - Compound the Annual Budget
You can distribute your annual general ledger budget across periods based on a compounding factor of either a percentage or a fixed monetary amount. Compounding is useful when you are creating a new budget for the following year and you want to make adjustments. - Restore Account Names to Match the Chart of Accounts
When you add an account number to a budget, the Account Name field populates using the name specified in . Restore account names if you edit the account name and want to restore it to the original name, or if you change the name in Chart of Accounts Settings and want your budget to match. - Delete an Account from a Budget
You can delete an account from a budget. - Delete a General Ledger Budget
You can delete a general ledger budget. - Submit a Budget for Approval
After you create or open a general ledger budget, you can submit it for approval. - Approve or Reject a Budget
If you have the authority to do so, you can approve or reject a General Ledger budget that has been submitted for approval. - Reopen an Approved Budget
You may need to modify the approved budgets at the middle of the year because of changes in forecast (for example, revenue projections). If you have the authority to do so, you can reopen an approved general ledger budget. - Reassign a Budget
You can assign another employee to perform the general ledger budget approval. - Print the General Ledger Budget Report
You can display, print, or download a report that contains all of the detail from a budget.
Parent Topic: General Ledger Budgeting