Print 1099s

After you generate a 1099 work file, edit and verify the data, you print or preview the 1099 forms.

Prerequisites: Ensure that your printer has the correct forms for printing 1099 forms.

To print or preview the 1099 forms:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Accounting > Form 1099 Processing.
  2. On the Other Actions menu, select one of the following options:
    Print Options Select this option to display the Form 1099 Print Options dialog box. Use options on the dialog box to specify the layout.
    Print 1099-MISC Select this option to preview the 1099-MISC form on your screen. To download the report, click Download Report. To print the report, click Print Report.
    Print 1099-NEC Select this option to preview the 1099-NEC form on your screen. To download the report, click Download Report. To print the report, click Print Report.