Fields and Options
In addition to the Bank Reconciliation form, you use a variety of dialog boxes to reconcile and close statements.
- Related Topics:
- Bank Reconciliation Form
Use the Bank Reconciliation form to mark receipts and payments included on a bank statement as cleared, to import bank transactions from a statement, and to enter any miscellaneous bank transactions, such as interest, shown on the bank statement. - Create Bank Transaction Entries Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to create bank statement entries for bank fees, bank interest, and other user-defined bank entries in Settings. - Modify Number and Date Dialog Box
Use the Modify Number and Date dialog box to change the statement date of an existing statement. - Payment Details Dialog Box
The Payment Details dialog box of Bank Reconciliation displays detailed information about individual payments to a vendor or employee. - Direct Deposit Payment Detail Dialog Box
The Direct Deposit Payment Detail dialog box displays a detailed view of transactions when you view the details of a direct deposit, or when you want to view the details of a summarized electronic fund transfer in the Payments tab. - Post Cleared Items Dialog Box
Use the Post Cleared Items dialog box to process payments that have cleared the bank but that are not yet posted to the general ledger. - Import Statement Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to select the file that contains the bank records that you want to import. - Match Transactions Dialog Box
Use the Match Transactions dialog box to match posted bank records with a transaction that has been imported. - Import History Dialog Box (Bank Reconciliation)
Use this dialog box to view a list of all the import sessions (batches) that you have imported into Vantagepoint for Bank Reconciliation. You can also undo batches of transactions that you previously imported and remove the bank transactions from the database. - Invoice Lookup Dialog Box (Bank Reconciliation)
You can use this dialog box to view an existing cash receipt transaction or to create one. - Create Cash Receipt Entries Dialog Box
Use the Create Cash Receipt Entries dialog box to enter a reference number for a cash receipt. - Cash Receipts Dialog Box (Bank Reconciliation)
Use the Cash Receipts dialog box in Bank Reconciliation to post cash receipts that were created from imported bank transactions. The grid automatically filters the cash receipts and, by default, displays only those associated with the current bank code.
Parent Topic: Bank Reconciliation