Daily Exchange Rate Audit Groups Tab

Use the Groups tab to select and save options for organizing data on your report.

Grouping and Sorting

Use the options in this section to sort and group data on a report, to make it easier to locate and review report data. You can select multiple sorting and grouping criteria for a single report. The sequence in which you arrange the selected criteria determines which sort is applied first.

For example, you can sort and group the Project Summary report first by project manager and then by project number for each project manager. You can also print subtotals for each group.

If your firm uses custom date fields, you can sort and group by those custom fields. In addition, user-defined fields from the project are available as groups.

Field Description
Group By This column lists the criteria by which you can group or sort data on the current report.
Label Use this column to enter the label for the group that displays on the report. You can change the default label.
Sort In In this column, specify whether the data is sorted in ascending or descending order. Click the Sort In column and then select one of the following settings:
  • Ascending: Sort the data in ascending numerical order (for example, 00001.00, 00002.00, 97001.00, 98001.00), chronological date order (from earliest to latest), or alphabetical order (from A to Z).
  • Descending: Sort the data in descending numerical order (for example, 98001.00, 97001.00, 00002.00, 00001.00), chronological date order (from latest to earliest), or alphabetical order (from Z to A).
Color Select the color of the sort band for each sorting level. Click in this column for a sort criterion to display the color palette, which you can use in one of the following ways:
  • If you know the HEX color code that you want to apply to the sorting level, enter the value in the field. Vantagepoint displays both the color and the associated HEX code in the field.
  • Click in the field to display the HEX color palette, which shows a mosaic of all the available colors and then click the color value that you want to apply to the sorting level. Vantagepoint displays both the color and the associated HEX code in the field.
Subtotal Use this toggle to turn on ( ) or off () the subtotal for the grouping. When subtotals are turned on, Vantagepoint totals the amounts for this group. The total is shown either in the header line, if you selected the Show Totals on Header checkbox in the Other Options section, or as a footer.

If you exclude the header and subtotal, Vantagepoint sorts data, rather than grouping data, on the report.

If Subtotal is turned on and the Hide Single Line Totals checkbox is selected in the Group Options section, totals do not display for groups that contain only one detail line.

Heading Use this toggle to include () or exclude () the label for the criterion on the report. If the heading is not displayed, then the report is simply sorted and not grouped by this field.
Page Heading Use this toggle to turn on () or off () the page heading. When this option is on, the sorting group headings repeat on subsequent pages when data for the group spans more than one page.
Project Level If the sorting and grouping criterion is project-related and can be specified at any level of the work breakdown structure (WBS), use this option to specify the WBS level on which to base the sorting and grouping.
For example, Principal Number displays only once in the list of sorting and grouping criteria for the report, but you can assign principals at each level of the WBS. Therefore, you can select Principal Number as a sorting criterion and then set this option:
  • To sort by the principals assigned at the project level of the WBS, set Project Level to Project.
  • To sort by the principals assigned at the phase level of the WBS, set Project Level to Phase.
Collapse/Expand You can set up group levels so that you can collapse and expand the groups at that level to display or hide the sub-groups and detail rows when you preview the report. If you print the report from the Preview window, the groups are expanded or collapsed just as they are on the Preview window.

For the sorting and grouping criterion, select one of the following:

  • Disabled: This default option disables all data for the group. You cannot collapse or expand the report.
  • Collapsed: Select this option to collapse the group to show or hide sub-groups and detail rows. All groups at this grouping level are collapsed when you first display the report in the Preview window.
  • Expanded: Select this option to collapse the group to show or hide sub-groups and detail rows. All groups at this grouping level are expanded when you first display the report in the Preview window.

If you search for text in a previewed report, the search finds the target text only if it is visible when you do the search. It does not find data that is hidden in collapsed groups.

Line Separator Select the type of line to print between sort groups on the report. When you preview the report, dotted lines display as lines of short dashes. However, when you print the report, they are dotted lines.
Page Break Use this toggle to turn on () or off () page breaks. Move the toggle to the on position if you want a new report page each time that the sort value changes. Vantagepoint repeats the sorting group headings on subsequent pages when data for the group spans more than one page.

For example, if you select Office as a sort criterion, you have three offices, and you select Page Break for the office sort criterion, Vantagepoint begins printing the information for each office at the top of a new page.

Reorder this Row To reorder groups, click at the beginning of a row and drag the row to a different place on the grid.
Delete To delete a row from the grid, click at the end of the row.
+ Manage Grouping Click this link to display the Select Groupings Dialog Box, which you use to find and select the grouping options that you want to include on the report.

Group Options

This section provides other formatting options for the group that are displayed on the report.

Field Description
Indent for Each Group To indent each group on the report, enter the size of the indent in this field. Use the corresponding Unit of Measure option on the Layout tab to specify inches or millimeters as the unit of measure for the indent.
Hide Document Map A document map is an outline of the structure of a report, based on the sorting and grouping criteria that you set up for the report. A document map contains a link for each sorting and grouping value.

This option is selected by default, which hides the document map (outline) from the report. To show the document map on the report, clear the checkbox.

If you export the report to Excel, this option controls whether or not the outline is also exported.