Personal and Shared Searches

Personal and shared searches are basic or advanced searches that you create to find the records that match your business requirements. These searches can be saved for personal use or shared with team members.

To create a personal or shared search, click + New Search. On the Search dialog box, add fields and use comparative operators to define a set of search criteria. The search will locate records that match the specified conditions.

Personal searches are searches that you create to match your business requirements and to save for yourself only. Any search that you save just for yourself is listed under My Searches. You can also use the Organize Searches feature to create folders in which to save and organize your personal searches.

Shared searches are saved searches that you create to match your business requirements and share with your security role or other roles. When you select additional roles in the Save For field on the Save Options dialog, the saved search is automatically added under the Shared Searches folder.