Group Advanced Search Results

After creating an advanced search, you can organize and group the search results so you can extract report information and downloaded to an external file or spreadsheet.

Prerequisites: From Reporting, Run a report. From other applications, click Print.

To group advanced search results:

  1. Click Search and Download on the previewed report's toolbar.
    The Search Criteria grid displays at the bottom of the report and lists the fields that you can select as search targets to include in the search output.
  2. In the Search Criteria grid, select the checkbox next to each row that you want to include in the search output.
    If you want to search the report based on the values in a field but do not want that field to appear in the search results, leave the checkbox cleared and continue with step 4.

    If the report uses sub reports, the fields in the sub reports are not available as search criteria or search output.

  3. You can change the name of the field in Name if you want it to have a different name in the search results.
    To change the name, click in the field and enter a new name.
  4. If you want to search the report based on the values in this row, select the Filter checkbox
    If you want to include the field in the search results but do not want to search based on its values, do not select Filter.
  5. If you selected Filter, select an Operator and enter the value of the field for which you want to search in Value. [link to topic about operators?]
    You cannot use wildcard characters in the search value.
  6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each field that you want to include in the search output.
  7. Click Show Results on the grid menu.
    The Search Results grid displays the search results and the number of result rows displays at the top of the grid.
  8. On the toolbar of the Search Results grid, click Export to display the Export as dialog box.
  9. In the Export Format field, click and select either CSV or Excel as the file format.
  10. Click the Export button to download the file format to your computer.
    A downloaded file box showing the file's name and its file extension appears at the bottom left of your computer screen. You can either print the downloaded report or save it to your computer. For more detailed information, see Download Search Results.