What's New

The latest release of Vantagepoint delivers on the themes of improved visibility, enhanced user experience, and better project planning.

Here are a few of the highlights:

  • Improve collaboration with new Microsoft Teams integration: Make it easier for teams to start a Teams chat from within Vantagepoint to collaborate on records or expedite workflow.
  • Usability improvements: Make it easier for everyday users to manage their day with improvements including remembering list views, receiving notifications when multiple users are viewing or editing a record, and viewing benefit hours on mobile apps.
  • Increase visibility with more employee data on dashboards: Put the right employee data in front of your teams with employee-centric user-defined fields on the dashboard.
  • Better plan for project expenses with unit planning: Plan in quantity in addition to hours or amounts to ensure that you capture all project costs by leveraging unit planning for equipment, tests, surveying, and more.
  • Create a better user experience: Administrators can create a better experience with more flexibility such as providing five columns in the Screen Designer and giving employees the ability to build their own employee-based charts on the dashboard.

To watch a video that shows you the new features, click What's New in 6.0.

To learn about these and other features, and resolved issues in Vantagepoint 6.0, see the Vantagepoint 6.0 Release Notes page.