Spread Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to specify how to spread the new value after you have modified the total value for a resource assignment in the Time-phase pane or Time-phase Detail pane of the Project view.


Field Description
Spread Changes Over Use these options to specify how the updated budget should be spread over calendar periods.
Remaining fiscal periods Select this option to spread the difference between the old and new budgets evenly across the control account or work package fiscal periods after the status date of the project, using the spread curve method defined for the resource.

You cannot select this option when the control account or work package associated with the resource has a status of Planned.

All fiscal periods Select this option to spread the difference between the old and new budgets across all control account/work package fiscal periods. You can choose to use the spread curve currently defined for the resource or a different spread curve. Selecting this option enables the Use existing spread and Use spread curve fields.

Cobra selects the All fiscal periods option by default when the control account or work package associated with the resource has a status of Planned.

Use existing profile Select this option to use the existing profile of the resource assignment.
Use spread curve Use this field to select a different spread method (previously defined on the Spread Curves tab of the Application Preferences dialog box) for the new budget or forecast spread.
Last period only Select this option to put the difference between the old and new budgets in the last period for the resource assignment.