There was no endpoint listening at http://<machine>:<port>/CobraWebService/service that could accept the message

If you encounter the error "There was no endpoint listening at http://<machine>:<port>/CobraWebService/service that could accept the message", it is possible that one of the Cobra Web Service's addresses is not working properly.

Use the Gateway's debug log file to see the specific error.

To view the debug log and determine the error:

  1. Navigate to the following folder on the Cobra Concurrency machine: <Dedicated Windows Account>\Documents\Deltek\Cobra\Log.
  2. Locate the WebServiceGatewayDebugLog.xml file and open it using a text editor (such as Notepad) and look for the error message.
    Refer to the following tables for the error message and its solution.
    Error Message

    There was no endpoint listening at http://<machine>:<port>/CobraWebService/service that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.


    The error is usually encountered if one of the Cobra Web Service’s addresses is not working properly.

    Possible Cause Solution
    The Cobra Web Service instance on <machine>:<port> has stopped from running. Start the Cobra Web Service instance.

    To start the Cobra Web Service instance:

    1. Access the <machine> where the Cobra Web Service instance is installed.

    2. Start the Cobra Web Service instance on <port> in the Windows Services.

    The Cobra Web Service instance on <machine>:<port> has been uninstalled but is still defined in the Cobra Web Service Gateway Configuration Tool. Remove the Cobra Web Service Endpoint that is causing the error from the Cobra Web Service Gateway Configuration Tool.

    To remove the Cobra Web Service endpoint that is causing the error from the Cobra Web Service Gateway Configuration tool:

    1. Click Start > Deltek Cobra X.x > Deltek Cobra Web Service Management Tool.

    Note: Alternatively, navigate to the Cobra installation directory, locate CWSManagementTool, right-click it, and select Run As Administrator command from the shortcut menu.

    2. In the left pane in the Gateway tree, click Cobra Web Service Gateway.

    3. In the Cobra Web Service Endpoints grid, select the instance that is causing the error.

    4. Click the endpoint (instance) row and press Delete on your keyboard.

    5. Click Save, and then click Close.

    6. Restart the “Gateway” service in the Windows Services.