Project Selection Page of the Integration Wizard-Files

Use this page to select the files from which you will import data and the Cobra project into which data is imported.


Field Description
Activity File Click to select the activity file that contains information on control accounts and work packages. The data required in this field depends on the option you select on the Action Selection page.
Note: You must select an activity file when importing any type of data except Status data.
Resource Assignment File Click to select a resource assignment file to import.

This field is required when you select Resource Assignments on the Action Selection page.

Use one file with activity and resource assignment data Select this checkbox to import budget from a single budget file that contains both activity and resource data. This checkbox is enabled only when all of the following options are selected on the Action Selection page:
  • Control Account and Work Package
  • Code Assignments and User Fields
  • Resource Assignments

Selecting this checkbox enables the Activity and Resource Assignment File field and disables the Activity File and Resource Assignment File fields.

This checkbox is not selected by default.

Activity and Resource Assignment File Click to select the file that contains both the activity and resource assignment data. This field becomes enabled only if you select the Use one file with activity and resource assignment data checkbox.

When there are two or more records that represent different resource assignments belonging to the same activity, Cobra imports the activity information from the first record in the file.

Status File Click to select a status file you want to import.
Note: This field is required when you select Status on the Action Selection page.
Cobra Project Click to select the Cobra project where data is imported to. You can also enter the name of the project. However, ensure that the project is valid and that you have write permissions to it.
Defined in File Select this checkbox to load an import file (status file, activity file, resource assignment file, or a single file with activity and resource assignment data) with data from multiple projects without loading against a master project.
This checkbox displays if you select any of the following options on the Action Selection page:
  • Control Accounts and Work Packages
  • Code Assignments and User Fields
  • Resource Assignments
  • Status
Use field mapping from Project This field displays when you select the Defined in File checkbox. Select a project from the list. Cobra uses the specified file to populate the Lookup dialog boxes in the wizard and define the number of key fields expected in the field mapper. Otherwise, Cobra displays an error in the logs.