File Restore

Use the Restore utility to take the data from backup files and bring it into the Cobra database. You can only restore files to which you have access.

You can only back up and restore data for projects to which you have access. You can restore any of the file types for which you can make backups using the Backup utility.

File Type Extension
Projects .CMP
Master Projects .CMP
Reports .CRP
Batch Reports .CBR
Report Filters .CFT
Report Sorts .CST
Acumen Configuration Definitions .ACD
Integration Configuration Definitions .ICD
wInsight Configuration Definitions .WCD

When you restore files using the Restore utility, the files are restored in the order they appear in the Open dialog box.

Note: Cobra requires an exclusive lock on a project to successfully restore backup files. If the backup files are being restored to a project that is locked by another user, Cobra will not proceed with the restore.