Forecast Details Pane

The Forecast Details pane displays only when a forecast resource assignment is selected in the Spreadsheet pane of the Project view and you select the Show details option in the Time-phase Detail pane of the Project view.


This pane displays additional forecast class information for the selected resource assignment.

Field Description
EAC This field displays the total Estimate At Complete currency value based on the cost set EAC.
HOURS EAC This field displays the total Estimate At Complete currency value in hours. This field is updated when you update any of the fields in the Time-phase Details pane.

You can edit this field if the forecast class used a manual forecast method or the forecast class used the Coded Range forecast method and a code is assigned to a manual forecast method.

HOURS Actuals This field displays the total actual values in hours.
Forecast Start This field displays the forecast date (forecast, early, or late dates) used by the forecast resource assignment.
Forecast Finish This field displays the forecast date (forecast, early, or late dates) used by the forecast resource assignment.
Actual Start This field displays the actual start date of the control account or work package.
Method This field displays the forecast method used for the forecast class.
Description This field displays the description of the forecast method.
Performance Factor This field displays the level at which Cobra calculates the CPI and SPI.
Level This field displays the level at which Cobra performs the forecast calculation for the selected code file to calculate the forecast against. This field is always blank unless the forecast class used a statistical forecast method or the forecast class used the Coded Range forecast method and a code is assigned to a statistical forecast method.