Other Options Page of the Integration Wizard

Use this page to select options that may apply to multiple action selections when you integrate between Cobra and all of the scheduling software tools.

This page does not display under the following conditions:

  • When you select Codes only or Code Assignments only on the Action Selection page.
  • When you integrate a resource file with punctuated significant structure. The decimal mark is required for punctuated code structure so the parent values should never be trimmed.
  • When you integrate an import file and select only the Status option on the Action Selection page and the Update assignment % for resources with class option on the Status page was empty.
  • When you integrate with Open Plan, select only the Status option on the Action Selection page and clear the Update Assignment % Complete option on the Status page.


Field Description
Load resource codes as non-significant This option determines if the parent code is trimmed when adding resource assignments.
The following scenarios determine whether or not Cobra includes a parent code when loading resource assignments:
  • If this option is selected, Cobra trims everything before the decimal when loading resource assignments.
  • If this option is not selected, Cobra loads project data in the same format as the data appears in the resource file.