Link Structures Page of the wInsight Wizard
Use this page to define additional structures to link to the WBS structure defined on the Export Structures page.
Only structures not explicitly exported or selected on the Export Structure page are available for selection on this page. Linked structures can reduce the size of the export file.
The information entered on this page will be exported to the XML file as follows:
- The linked structure's name and description will be exported to the <Structures> section of the XML file.
- The elements of the linked structures will be exported to the <Elements> section of the XML file.
- The linking of the linked structure's lowest level code to the WBS code is defined in the <ElemLinks> section of the XML file.
Field | Description |
Selection box | This column displays a checkbox for each structure. Select the checkbox for the structure that you want to link to the WBS in the exported data. |
Name | This column displays the field label and prompt that the structure is associated with on the project. For a key field, this will be the key field’s name. For a code field, this will be the code field’s user prompt. |
File | This column displays the name of the code file linked to the field. |
Exported Name | This column displays the name that will be given to the exported linked structure when it is exported to wInsight. You can change the default value by entering the new value in the field.
The name you select must follow these rules:
Parent Topic: wInsight Wizard