Deletion Criteria Dialog Box of the Integration Wizard

Use this dialog box to define the criteria for deleting items in the imported data. You can select a control account, work package, or both.

If you select both a control account and work package, the items being deleted are filtered for the control account value or the work package value, so they have to match either filter to be deleted.


Field Description
Code Use this field to select a code. This field displays all the Cobra control account codes that have assigned values and their prompts. You can choose to filter by:
  • Code assignment: Select this option to deletes items based on a specific code assignment.
  • Project name: Select this item to deletes records from Cobra only if the selected code value equals the name of the schedule project being imported.
Work Package Use this field to select a work package. This field displays all of the Cobra work packages that have assigned values and their prompts. You can choose to filter by:
  • Code assignment: Select this option to delete items based on a specific work package.
  • Project name: Select this option to delete records from Cobra only if the selected work package equals the name of the schedule project being imported.