Additional Project Files

Below are the additional project files that are created when you create a new project from a project template.

If security is enabled in Cobra, any file created by this process is assigned security in the same way they are if they are created through the Cobra interface.

Calendar File

When a new project is created in Cobra with the option to copy the calendar, a calendar with the same name as the project is created. If the calendar already exists, this process uses the existing calendar and does not create a new calendar.

Resource File

The new project is assigned an existing resource assignment file. The name of the resource assignment file to assign is determined by the Units and Home Currency values selected. These are used to build a name with the following format: MBE_CCCU.


  • CCC: A three-letter home currency designation
  • U: The unit designation (E or M)

Code Structure

The code structure assigned to the CA1 field on the template project is copied and given a new name using the format {project name}TT.

  • This structure is assigned to the CA1 structure field on the new project.

    Example: if the contract number is 123456, a structure file named 123456TT is created.

    Note: If a project name longer than six characters is specified in the XML file, the TT is truncated or ignored.
  • If an existing code structure exists with the same name, the new code file is not created and the existing structure file is assigned to the CA1 field.

Existing/Missing Files

  • Unless otherwise specified, any files being created that already exist are overwritten.
  • If any template file needed by the creation process does not exist, the creation process is aborted.
Note: If security is enabled in Cobra then any file created by this process is assigned security in the same way they are if they are created through the Cobra interface.