Obtain the Authentication Certificate Information on the Cobra Web Service Machines

Use this procedure to obtain the Authentication Certificate Information on the Cobra Web Service machines.

To obtain the Authentication Certificate Information on the Cobra Web Service machines:

  1. Open the Certificates MMC Snap-In and navigate to the following folder location: Certificates (Local Computer) > Personal > Certificates.
  2. Open the Windows Server Certificate intended for Server Authentication.
    Attention: For more information, refer to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/wcf/feature-details/how-to-view-certificates-with-the-mmc-snap-in.

    If your server does not have a certificate, you need to obtain one before you proceed with this procedure. For more information, refer to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/wcf/feature-details/how-to-obtain-a-certificate-wcf.

  3. On the Details tab of the certificate, copy the following:
    • Thumbprint: Remove all spaces and save this information to be used in binding the certificate.
    • Subject: This is usually the fully qualified name of the server.