Selection Sets

A selection set is a collection of activities. You use them to specify the activities that you want included in the Risk Executive Briefing Report. This allows you to select, for example, all program milestones or only those that are planned for this year.

Selection Sets

You manage selection sets by clicking Publish > Selection Sets on the S3 // Risk tab. On the Selection Set dialog box, where you select the activities for the selection set, the available activities are the activities for the selected project on the S3 // Risk tab.

Acumen only saves the activity IDs with the selection set. If you select a different project on the S3 // tab and create a report using the same selection set, Acumen tries to find IDs in the project that match those in the selection set. This allows you to reuse a selection set on subsequent project snapshots. If there are no matching IDs, a message displays letting you know that there are no matching IDs. You must select a different project, or change/edit the selection set.

Tip: When you create a selection set, it is helpful to title it the same as the selected project. That way, when you create a report, it is easy to figure out which selection set relates to which project.

The selection sets are stored at the workbook level. If you open a different workbook, you will need to create new selection sets.