Activity Browser

Use the Activity Browser to report specific data based on a given criteria.

The data shown and the columns that display in the grid depend on the type of metric selected as well as the segment of the ribbon or analyzer window that is selected.

If you select an activity metric, then the grid displays a list of activities. If you select a control account or work package metric, the grid displays the control accounts/work packages and if you have a secondary tripwire, it displays the activities below the control accounts/work packages.

The data that displays can originate from any of the following:

  • Data irrespective of Tripwire threshold:
    • A ribbon (cutting across multiple phases) displays all data for a given ribbon.
    • A phase (cutting across multiple ribbons) displays all data for a given phase.
    • An intersection displays all data for a given ribbon within a specific phase.
  • Data that triggers a given Tripwire threshold:
    • Ribbon metric results displays data for a given metric segment within the ribbon analyzer.
    • Phase metric results displays data for a given metric segment within the phase analyzer.
    • Intersection metric results displays data for a given metric segment within the intersection analyzer.