Project Variables on the Metrics Tab

Project variables are defined without a value on the metrics tab. The value comes from each project or snapshot.

This allows you to have values that change over time. For example, you may want to see the number of remaining contract milestones. As the contract progresses, the number decreases because you have met some of those milestones.

A variable (as opposed to a project variable) has one value for an entire workbook. For example, if you have a Duration Upper Limit variable of 44 days, that value applies to everything in the workbook - it can't be varied by project. In addition, variables can only be used in metric filters and do not have data types.

After you define the project variable on the Metrics tab, you can add the value for each project or snapshot. You can either do this on the S2 // Diagnostics tab using the Variable Definition dialog box, or on the S1 // Projects Activity Details Pane Project Variables tab. One advantage of using the Variable Definition dialog box is that you can see the trend over time. In addition, you can click on the variable and use the Variable Description field at the bottom of the dialog box to see how the variable is to be used.

Variables vs. Project Variables

The table below summarizes the differences between a variable and a project variable.

Variable Project Variable
One value for an entire workbook Values defined for each project and snapshot
Use in filters only Use in both filters and advanced formulas
No data type Define the type:
  • Number
  • Text
  • DateTime
  • Duration
  • Boolean