Diagnostic Executive Briefing Report Variables

This table includes descriptions of the variables that make up each XML element of the Diagnostic Executive Briefing Report.

XML Element Variable Description
GenerationDate GenerationDate Date and time of the system at the time of the report creation.
Author Author Author of the workbook.
Workbook Subtitle WorkbookName Name of the workbook
FirstSummaryPart GenerationDate Date and time of the system at the time of the report creation.
WorkbookName Name of the workbook.
ProjectQuantity Number of projects in the workbook.
Plural Converts the "project" word to plural in case that there is more than one project in the workbook.
ListOfProjects Creates a list of all the projects in the workbook with their respective source platform.
FirstSummarySecondPart SnapshotQuantity Number of snapshots in the workbook.
SnapshotPlural Converts the "snapshot" word to plural in case that there is more than one snapshot in the workbook.
ListOfSnapshots Creates a list of all the snapshots in the workbook with their respective source platform.
ProjectName ProjectName Name of the current project.
ProjectsWithApp ProjectNames Names of all the projects for the current source platform separated by a comma.
PlatformApplication Name of the source platform.
MultipleProjectIntroduction NumberOfProjects Total number of projects.
SecondSummaryPart Introduction Uses the SingleProjectIntroduction or the MultipleProjectIntroduction XML element depending on the number of projects in the workbook.
TotalCost Total cost of the workbook.
RemainingCost Remaining cost of the workbook.
ActualCost Actual cost of the workbook.
EarlierStartDate Earliest start date included in the workbook.
LatestCompletionDate Latest completion date included in the workbook.
ProjectSubtitle ProjectName Name of the current project.
ProjectSummary ProjectName Name of the current project.
StartDate Start date of the current project.
ProjectCompletionDateSentence Uses the ProjectCompletionDate XML element to add the completion date of the project if the project has a completion date.
Status Indicates the status of the current project.
StatusDateSentence Uses the ProjectStatusDate XML element to add the status date of the project if it has one.
ProjectCompletionDate CompletionDate Indicates the completion date of the current project.
ProjectStatusDate StatusDate Indicates the status date of the current project.
ProjectNormalActivitiesSummary NumberOfNormalActivities Number of normal activities in the current project.
NormalPlural Converts the word "activity" to plural depending on the number of activities in the schedule.
NumberOfCompletedActivites Indicates the number of normal completed activities in the current project.
CompletedActivitiesPercentage Indicates the percentage of completed activities in the current project.
CompletedPlural Types the word "is" or "are" depending on the number of completed activities.
NumberOfInProgressActivites Indicates the number of normal in-progress activities in the current project.
InProgressActivitiesPercentage Indicates the percentage of in-progress activities in the current project.
InProgressPlural Types the word "is" or "are" depending on the number of in-progress activities.
NumberOfPlannedActivites Indicates the number of normal planned activities in the current project.
PlannedActivitiesPercentage Indicates the percentage of planned activities in the current project.
PlannedPlural Types the word "is" or "are" depending on the number of planned activities.
ProjectOtherActivitiesSummary NumberOfMilestones Number of milestones in the current project.
MilestonesPlural Converts the word "milestone" to plural if the number of milestones is > 1.
NumberOfSummaries Number of summaries in the current project.
SummariesPlural Converts the word "summary" to plural if the number of summaries is > 1.
NumberOfLoes Number of LOEs (Hammocks) in the current project.
LoesPlural Converts "LOE" to "LOEs" if the number of LOEs is > 1.
ProjectDateComparison BaselineStart Baseline start of the current project.
BaselineFinish Baseline finish of the current project.
ProjectDatesStatus Indicates if the project is ahead, behind or on schedule.
StatusDates Indicates the number of days the project is behind/ahead.
ProjectCostComparison TotalCost Total cost of the project.
BaselineCost Baseline cost of the project.
ActualCost Actual cost of the project.
RemainingCost Remaining cost of the project.
ProjectCostStatus Indicates if the project is over, under or on budget.
StatusCost Indicates the amount the project is over/under budget.
RibbonAnalysis RibbonBy Indicates the criteria used for the ribbons in the current ribbon view.
NumberOfRibbons Number of ribbons in the current ribbon view.
RibbonPlural Converts the word "ribbon" to plural if there is more than one ribbon.
ListOfRibbons Lists all the ribbons in the current ribbon view.
ScorecardAnalysis RibbonNames List of ribbons for the current score.
Plural Types "ribbon" or "ribbons" depending on the current scorecard.
TypeOfValue Types "worst" or "best" depending on the current scorecard.
Score Current scorecard score.
SingleRibbonScorecard Score Currrent scorecard score.
TrendSummary Interval The time interval used in the current ribbon view.
TrendAnalysis MetricName The current metric being used for trend anaylsis.
Trend Indicates if the current metric "increases", "decreases" or "remains constant".
TrendPeriods Uses the TrendPeriods XML element to indicate trend values.
TrendPeriods Highest Types "best" or "highest" depending on the metric definition.
HighestPeriod Indicates the phase where the value for the metric is higher/better.
HighestValue Indicates the highest value for the metric.
Lowest Types "worse" or "lowest" depending on the metric definition.
LowestPeriod Indicates the phase where the value for the metric is lowest/worse.
LowestValue Indicates the lowest value for the metric.
RibbonSubtitle RibbonName Name of the current ribbon.
SpecificRibbonSummary RibbonName Name of the current ribbon.
NumberOfNormalActivities Number of normal activities in the current ribbon.
PluralNormal Converts the word "activity" to plural depending on the number of activities in the ribbon.
NumberOfMilestones Number of milestones in the current ribbon.
PluralMilestones Converts the word "milestone" to plural if the number of milestones is > 1.
NumberOfSummaries Number of summaries in the current ribbon.
PluralSummaries Converts the word "summary" to plural if the number of summaries is > 1.
NumberOfLoes Number of LOEs (Hammocks) in the current ribbon.
PluralLoes Converts "LOE" to "LOEs" if the number of LOEs is > 1.
StartDate Start date of the ribbon.
FinishDate Finish date of the ribbon.
SpecificRibbonPercentages CompletedPercentage Percentage of completed activities inside current ribbon.
PlannedPercentage Percentage of planned activities inside ribbon.
InProgressPercentage Percentage of in-progress activities inside ribbon.
SpecificRibbonDurationCost DaysLong Total number of days the ribbon spans.
RemainingCost Sum of the remaining cost of the activities included in the current ribbon.
SpecificRibbonAnalysisMetrics Quantity Number of metrics used to analyze the current ribbon.
RibbonActivityCountMetricEvaluation BaseValue Indicates the result of the primary formula for the current metric.
Plural Converts the word "activity" to plural if the BaseValue is > 1.
SecondaryValue Indicates the result of the secondary formula for the current metric.
SecondPlural Types "has" or "have" depending on BaseValue.
MetricName Name of the current metric.
TripwireDescription Indicates the tripwire description for the current value of the metric.
RibbonActivityAttributeMetricEvaluation BaseValue Indicates the result of the primary formula for the current metric.
Plural Converts the word "activity" to plural if the BaseValue is > 1.
SecondaryValue Indicates the result of the secondary formula for the current metric.
SecondPlural Types "is" or "are" depending on BaseValue.
MetricName Name of the current metric.
TripwireDescription Indicates the tripwire description for the current value of the metric.
RibbonCountMetricEvaluation BaseValue Indicates the result of the primary formula for the current metric.
MetricName Name of the current metric.
SecondaryValue Indicates the result of the secondary formula for the current metric.
TripwireDescription Indicates the tripwire description for the current value of the metric.
RibbonValueMetricEvaluation BaseValue Indicates the result of the primary formula for the current metric.
MetricName Name of the current metric.
SecondaryValue Indicates the result of the secondary formula for the current metric.
TripwireDescription Indicates the tripwire description for the current value of the metric.