Ribbon Browser

Within the ribbon browser, you create ribbons, segment by phases, and apply metrics.

The ribbon browser is the core of the diagnostics tab and is highly customizable.

Feature Description
Associated Activities

Click on a section of the ribbon to see the associated activities in the Activity Browser.

Ribbon Properties

Double-click the ribbon name to drill down. Click Home button Home to return to the top level.

Hover over the ribbon name then click the Properties icon to view additional information.

Zoom In

Hover over a date header then click the magnifying glass that displays to zoom into that year, quarter, month, and so on.

Zoom Out

Hover over the Timeline header then click the magnifying glass to zoom out to the next level.

Delete Time Period

To remove a time period, for example, a quarter, from the ribbon browser pane, hover over the column header then click the X that displays.