Load a Multi-Project XER as a Single-Project Baseline

Use this procedure to import a multi-project XER (master project with subprojects) into Acumen as a single-project baseline so that you can have baseline dates for metrics when you use multi-project XER files.

To import a multi-project XER into Acumen as a single-project baseline, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Get External Data menu group, click the Oracle Primavera down arrow.
  2. Select All Projects from a P6 XER file as a single Project.
  3. In the Open Project dialog box, navigate to and select a multi-project XER file (master project).
  4. In the Projects pane, right-click on the project and select one of the following:
    • Assign Baseline
    • Assign Baseline and add Snapshot
  5. In the Open Project dialog box, navigate to and select the multi-project XER file you want to use as a baseline.
  6. In the "Select a Project from the List to set it as Baseline" dialog box, map each subproject to a subproject in the baseline master project. When you click OK, Acumen displays a B icon next to the project in the Projects pane to indicate that it has a baseline assigned.

    The next task is to map the variance fields if you want Acumen to calculate baseline variance for you. All other fields are automatically mapped. If not, skip step 7.

  7. On the Fields tab, map Variance - BL Start Date and Variance - BL Finish Date.
  8. On the S1 // Projects tab, click Import All Projects. After the files import, the next step is to add the baseline columns to the Activities grid
  9. Right-click on a column and select Column Chooser.
  10. Click and drag the following fields to the location that you want it on the grid:
    • Baseline Start
    • Baseline Finish
    • Baseline Duration
    • Baseline Cost
    • Baseline Work
    • Baseline Activity Status
    • Variance - BL Finish Date
    • Variance - BL Start Date
You can use the Activities grid and tabs to confirm that Acumen is using the baseline dates. Any activity in the project with no matching activity in the baseline has no baseline value.