Create a Risk Executive Briefing Report

The Risk Executive Briefing Report consolidates information and results that have been generated from risk exposure and risk driver analysis and presents them in a descriptive briefing without the need for manual interpretation of the data.

To create a Risk Executive Briefing Report, complete the following steps:

  1. On the S3 // Risk tab, in the Import / Publish group, click Publish > Executive Briefing.
  2. Select the format in which you want your report to generate, either To Word or To PDF.
  3. If you have at least one selection set defined, you may skip this step. If you do not have any selection sets defined, the Manage Selection Sets dialog box displays. Click Add and on the Selection Set dialog box, complete the following:
    1. In the Selection Set field, enter a name for the selection set.
    2. Use the left and right arrows to select the activities that you want to include in the selection set, that is, the activities that you want included in the Risk Executive Briefing Report when you use this selection set.
    3. Click OK.
  4. On the Executive Briefing Options dialog box, do the following:
    1. Choose a Selection Set.
      Note: The selection set that you choose should be one that was created for the selected project.

      If the selection set that you choose has no activity IDs that match activities in the selected project, when Acumen tries to create the report, the system displays a message letting you know that there are no matching activities. You must select a different project, or change/edit the selection set and repeat these steps.

      For more information, see Risk Executive Briefing Report.

    2. Select a P Value. The Percentage Value affects the length of the activity. For example, if you calculate riskexposure with a P value of 50, you are stating that you want Acumen to calculate the dates for activities based on a 50% chance of completion. If you set the P value at 80, then Acumen will lengthen those activities until they have an 80% chance of completion.

      The initial value is set to the number that you currently have selected on the S3 // Risk tab in the Risk Drivers group Configuration > Calculate Risk Exposure At field.

      Use this field to change the value for the report if needed. Changing the value here will not change the value on the S3 // Risk tab.

    3. Select a Tornado Top N. This is the number of risk drivers that you want to include in the Tornado view.

      The initial value is set to the number that you currently have selected on the S3 // Risk tab in the Risk Drivers group Configuration > Show Top field.

      Use this field to change the value for the report if needed. Changing the value here will not change the value on the S3 // Risk tab.

    4. Select a Driver Analysis Mode. Select whether you want to include the Activities mode, Events mode, or Both in the report. If you select Both, two chart display for each activity.
    5. Select a Group Report By mode.
      • Grouping by Activities displays a heading for the activity followed by all the charts for that activity.
      • Grouping by Chart Type displays a chart heading followed by all the charts of that type.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Use the Save As dialog box to save your report and click Save. Acumen generates the Risk Executive Briefing Report in the format that you selected.