Import Activity Uncertainty Data into Acumen

Import absolute or percentage activity uncertainty values into Acumen.

To import uncertainty data into Acumen, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the S3 // Risk tab.
  2. In the Views group, click Left Panel > Activities.
  3. In the Import / Publish group, click the Excel down-arrow and select Import Activity Uncertainty.
  4. On the Open dialog box, select the spreadsheet and click Open.
  5. On the Import Activity Uncertainty dialog box, specify whether you want to import absolute or percentage values.
    Option Description
    Absolute This option calculates percentage values after import.
    Percentage This option calculates absolute values after import.
    Cancel This option cancels the import.
    The data imports into Acumen and displays on the S3 // Risk tab in the Activity view. If there were any errors, a dialog displays listing details of each error. Rows with errors are not imported into Acumen.