Deltek Open Plan Command on the S1 // Projects Tab

Use this command to create a link to an Open Plan project.

There are two ways you can link to Open Plan projects:
  • Click the top portion of the command to link to an Open Plan project that is located in the Open Plan database to which you last connected. This feature is disabled if you do not have Open Plan installed on your computer.
  • Click the bottom portion of the command to access the drop-down menu and link to an Open Plan project located on your local machine or in a BK3 file (Open Plan backup file).

Import from a Local Copy of Open Plan

Use this option to link to an Open Plan database that is on your local machine. You must have Open Plan installed on your machine to use this option.

Import from a BK3 File

Use this option to link to data in a BK3 file (Open Plan backup file). You do not need Open Plan installed on your machine to use this option.

  • If the BK3 file includes a single project, the project is imported as a single acumen project.
  • If the BK3 file includes multiple projects, a dialog box displays where you can select which projects (from the BK3 file) to import.
  • If the BK3 file includes a master project (with external projects) and you choose to import the master, the master project and its external subprojects are imported as part of a single Acumen project. You are not able to select individual external subprojects.