Display the SmartGantt and Run a Logic Trace From the S2 Logic Tab

When you first access the S2 // Logic tab, the Logic Trace group commands are grayed out. You need to display the SmartGantt and select an activity in order for these commands to become available.

To display the SmartGantt and run a logic trace, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the S2 // Logic tab.
  2. Select an activity.
  3. Complete one of the following tasks:
    • In the Logic Analysis group, click the Logic Trace down-arrow and select a tracing mode.
    • Right-click on an activity and select a tracing mode.

    The trace logic filtered activities display in the SmartGantt view.

  4. (Optional) Click the Trace down-arrow and deselect Driving Logic Only if you want to display all logic.